MW3 players confused by “wacky” multiplayer performance compared to campaign

Max Candelarezi
MW3 Operators below water in campaign

The MW3 beta allowed players to try the game before its release on November 10, 2023, and although the game has seen improvements compared to its predecessor, players pointed out that the multiplayer performance looks “wacky” when set side by side with the campaign.

The Modern Warfare 3 beta made its debut on October 6 and has generated a substantial level of hype among fans. Players had the chance to try all the changes SHG introduced, which included the return of the classic minimap, MW2 2009’s map roster, and the introduction of new gameplay innovations.

Unfortunately, not every change has been well-received within the community, as many fans have voiced their opinions about issues such as spawn locations, gameplay elements, and the game’s time-to-kill, despite the dev team’s mid-beta update to fix concerns.

One complaint that surfaced was connected to the technical condition of MW3, particularly noticeable due to the campaign mission showcase held at Gamescom, which allowed players to draw comparisons.

In a comparison shared by user LowDistrictt on Reddit, players noticed that the MW3 multiplayer looks entirely different when compared to the campaign showcase SHG revealed back in August.

“This game looks completely different in all promotional material than what we’re playing right now… it’s like it’s an entirely different game,” shared one player in the replies. “What happened to the illumination and shadow? They forgot to put it in the beta?” followed another user.

Another player explained: “Campaign and MP have always had a stark contrast, especially in regards to things like lighting and shadows. This is even more apparent in a Beta where they want more people playing vs Campaign footage where they crank everything to ultra.”

The MW3 beta version is not expected to have exceptionally high graphics quality. This is primarily because it serves as an online testing version.

The final appearance of the game in November can still be tweaked, and many players have highlighted that comparing the campaign to the beta isn’t necessarily fair. It’s only a matter of time until players see what the game’s performance and visuals will be once its full version is released.

For more on Modern Warfare 3, be sure to check out the game’s new CSGO-based feature that allows players to counter Flash Grenades or every Mastery camo leaked from the game.

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About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].