Call of Duty expert claims MW3 beta would be “five times better” with missing Perk

Joseph Pascoulis
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Call of Duty expert Metaphor has revealed one simple addition that he believes would make Modern Warfare 3’s beta “5x better.”

The Modern Warfare 3 beta is live for players on all platforms, as the test finally went live for those with early access on PC and Xbox. It’s a great chance for players to get a feel for the game’s weapons, Perks, Killstreaks, and maps ahead of its November 10 release date.

The beta is also a great time for players to provide feedback so that Sledgehammer Games can see what the community wants and bring fixes before the game’s full launch.

With that said, popular Call of Duty content creator Metaphor has revealed what he believes will make the MW3 beta “5x better,” hoping it will be included in the full game. The feature Metaphor feels would make the MW3 experience better is the Quick Fix Perk, which allows you to regenerate health faster after securing a kill.

The Perk was in Modern Warfare 2 and became a popular choice for multiplayer. That said, it’s nowhere to be seen in the Modern Warfare 3 beta.

Metaphor explained further in the replies of the X post, as he said Quick Fix “should be in the beta,” as “with sbmm this tight if ur playing agro ur not going on a streak very often without it.”

In the comments, TheGhostOfHope said “pretty sure it’ll be a vest,” but this has not yet been confirmed. Another comment said “you meant stims,” while Metaphor replied: “I’d take quick fix over stims, requires u to actually do stuff to get the reward aswell, stims would be aite too.”

Clearly, Metaphor and others feel there should be some sort of loadout option to get health back fast, as the pace of MW3 is very high and intense.

It’s normal for a Call of Duty beta to not include all of the multiplayer content that will be available at launch, as it’s only a tester for the devs to see how the game plays and what the community reaction is.

So, there’s a chance both Quick Fix and Stims will be available once the game fully launches on November 10, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Until then, make sure you also check out how to rank up both your Player Level and weapons fast in the MW3 beta.

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About The Author

Joseph is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel, specializing in shooters such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch. He also enjoys Souls-likes, the Resident Evil franchise, and Tekken. After writing for KeenGamer, he joined CharlieIntel in 2021. If Joseph isn't writing about games, he's most likely playing them. You can contact him at [email protected].