Fortnite players shocked by Wings of Icarus’ “huge” weakness

Fortnite fans discover that Wings of Icarus might not be the greatest mythic power added in the current season. Here’s what the Fortnite community has been talking about.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 has just rolled out, and players are just getting a feel of everything they can do with the new mythical powers. Both the Thunderbolt of Zeus, and Wings of Icarus have amazed players, and can’t stop sharing the epic showdowns happening after the “Myths & Mortals” season began.
Despite that, Wings of Icarus has been subject to several reports, ever since players have shown several glitches that caused them to be able to float around without having them equipped. This time, a fan shared a clip where they managed to eliminate an opponent shooting around them.
“Guys, don’t use the wings. This is what aim-assist does to them, and I’m just hip-firing,” warned the player in a Reddit post. Fortnite players were surprised by the outcome shown by the clip, and questioned if this was really the fault of aim assist. “I don’t understand how this is just aim-assist, I’m a controller player and I have never had aim assist like that,” pointed out a fan.
Luckily, Fortnite players were quick to catch up that there was something more behind this and figured out that the Wings of Icarus actually greatly extended players’ hitbox.
“It extends your hitbox, doesn’t it? I noticed it was easier than it should be to get hits on people mid-flight. I also got lasered by a pistol from what should’ve been near impossible distance when I was using them,” explained a user.
Disappointed players admitted that they thought that the latest update might have improved controllers’ sensitivity, which is why they were quickly shooting down their flying enemies. “I found this out and it shattered my world. I thought I hit some of the best clips of my life, quick scoping kids out of the air, but I prolly didn’t even actually ‘hit’ like 80% of them,” read a comment.
And that’s everything about how Fortnite players figured out that Wings of Icarus greatly expands their avatars’ hitbox. If you want to know more about Epic Games’ battle royale, you can check which fan-favorite character players are glad to see again, and all Mythic weapons that you can get in the game.