Fortnite’s Sniper problem “worse” than ever despite changes in Season 2

Snipers have been dominating the Fortnite island in Chapter 5 Season 2. However, despite the recent loot pool adjustments, players feel that the current meta is the worst.
Fortnite removed the green and blue variants of Sniper Rifles in the 29.10 update, leaving only the Epic (purple) and Legendary (orange) variants on the island.
Despite this, players claim that almost everyone on the island is running around with Snipers and believe that the Sniper situation is worse than it was before.
‘Diamond_Drew_1’ took to Reddit to share their opinion about the weapon meta in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2. They said that Fortnite should “make the Sniper actually reward skill, or just vault it completely” and shared a few suggestions that could make the situation better.
From reducing the magazine capacity to decreasing the body damage amount, the OP outlined different ideas that would make the Snipers more balanced in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.
A player said, “It seems instead of reducing the chance to find Snipers, all Snipers now spawn as purple+,” while a different player added, “The Snipers are so common, I’ve gotten legendary Snipers from common chests immediately after landing it’s funny.”
One Redditor commented, “Bring back the Heavy Sniper. One shot – one kill as it should be. Snipers should be a high-risk high-reward weapon. Right now there is no risk to using one.”
Another player said that the Reaper Sniper did not fall into Fortnite’s Sniper Rifle design philosophy. They added, “For such a high damage Sniper that can instadown any person with one shot, Reapers simply cannot have more than 1 bullet per magazine because it’s too forgiving.”
With Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 ending in a little over a month on May 24, it will be interesting to see if the developers introduce changes that influence the weapon meta in future updates.