Pokemon Go Raging Battles event: Date, bonuses, Annihilape debut, more

The Raging Battles Event will be the next major instance in Pokemon Go Timeless Travels, and it brings a lot of bonuses alongside the debut of Annihilape, Primeape’s evolution. So, here’s all you need to know about the Raging Battles event, including schedule, bonuses, and more.
For Pokemon Go players, Timeless Travels has brought a lot of quality content, with the debut of many Hisuian Pokemon and the arrival of new game features. Now, Niantic have announced that Annihilape, the final evolution of the Mankey line, is coming to Pokemon Go.
The Raging Battles event will mark the debut of this Fighting/Ghost-type Pokemon which can be evolved from Primeape by having him follow you as a buddy and participating in the many combats available during this event.
For trainers who wish to know all the details about this Pokemon Go event, here’s all about Raging Battles, including the start date, Annihilape’s debut, bonuses, and Timed Research.
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event start & end date
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Annihilape debut
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event bonuses
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Timed Research
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event encounters
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Raids
- Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Collection Challenge
- Pokemon Go Battle Week PvP event
Pokemon Go Raging Battles event start & end date

The Pokemon Go Raging Battles event will run from January 19 at 10 AM to January 24 at 8 PM PM local time.
Trainers who want to participate in the event should know that this is the best chance to evolve your Primeape into Annihilape since the requirements for its evolution are related to defeating Ghost and Psychic-type Pokemon, and the event spawns will focus on those types of Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Annihilape debut
Annihilape will be debuting in Pokemon Go as part of the Raging Battles event. As mentioned previously, trainers will need to complete a series of battle-related challenges to evolve their Primeapes into Annihilape.
Trainers will be able to evolve Primeape into Annihilape after they defeat 30 Ghost-type or Psychic-type Pokemon in battle while having Primeape as a buddy.
Pokemon Go stated that trainers don’t need to directly engage in combat using Primeape to fulfill the requisites, they just need to have it as a buddy.

Pokemon Go Raging Battles event bonuses
The following bonuses will be active for all players during the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event:
- Team Go Rocket grunts and Leaders will appear more frequently at PokeStops and in balloons.
- Throh and Sawk will appear in the wild during the event, no matter what region you are from.
Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Timed Research
A Timed Research ticket will be available for purchase during the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event. It will be sold for US$2 (or the equivalent in your local currency) and it grants access to certain research tasks that will grant the following rewards:
- 3x Rare Candy,
- 1x Rocket Radar,
- Stardust
- 2x Premium Battle Passes.
Keep in mind that you will need to complete the tasks and claim the rewards before January 24 at 8 PM local time, because they will expire and you’ll lose them forever.
Pokemon Go Raging Battles event encounters
The following Pokemon will spawn in the wild and as Research task encounters during the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event – those marked with a (*) can also be found as shiny:
Wild Encounters
- Mankey*
- Machop*
- Lickitung*
- Gligar*
- Sableye*
- Throh*
- Sawk*
- Scraggy*
Research Encounters
- Mankey*

Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Raids
The following Raids will be active during the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event:
- Snubbul*
- Hondour*
- Pancham*
- Mareanie
- Primeape*
- Gyarados*
- Zweilous*
Pokemon Go Raging Battles event Collection Challenge
An event-themed Collection Challenge will be active during the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event and will involve catching certain event-featured Pokemon to earn the following rewards:
- 3x Fast TMs
- 3x Charged TMs
- Stardust
And that’s all you need to know about the Pokemon Go Raging Battles event. For more Pokemon Go tips and guides, you can also check the following links:
How to beat Tornadus Therian Raid in Pokemon Go | How to get Feebas & Milotic in Pokemon S&V Teal Mask DLC | How to get Panthump & Trevenant in Pokemon S&V DLC: The Teal Mask | How to beat Mega Medicham Raid in Pokemon Go | How to evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna in Pokemon Go