Pokemon Go players share simple tips to find impossibly rare Kecleon

Niladri Sarkar
pokemon go color swap species kecleon

Finding even a single Kecleon is a nightmare in Pokemon Go but a few trainers have revealed some quick tips to find the sneaky Pokemon more easily than before.

To catch ’em all, Pokemon Go players need to capture various Pokemon from the wild, Raids, Research tasks, Incense, and Routes. While these are challenging, trainers are often left scratching their heads in figuring out how to get certain rare finds.

One such species that even some veteran trainers are yet to catch is the Color Swap Pokemon, Kecleon. This Gen 3 fan-favorite appears camouflaged in certain PokeStops, and there is no hard and fast rule to find it.

Now, it looks like some players may have decoded how to get Kecleon. This emerged through their replies to a Reddit post by user ‘Comfortable-Bag-1608’ where they wrote, “This is the worst task,” referring to the third stage of the shiny Jirachi Masterwork Research that requires you to catch several Kecleon.

Fans who attended Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn in 2023 need to catch only five Kecleon to get the job done, while others have to catch 10. But, regardless of the numbers, most people are stuck on this task.

Even those who play daily admitted that it took months or a year to finish the task as many stated that they’re yet to find one.

In response to this, one player commented: “You can check the stops that are out of range on the map. Kecleon appears for 30 mins on the hour. Check every hour all your local stops, and you’ll find him eventually. I averaged one every two days doing this sporadically.”

Others mentioned that popular Pokemon Go events like Community Day or Spotlight Hour are great for spinning several PokeStops and finding Kecleon, one fan stressed that using Incense or having a Rocket Radar would prevent Kecleon from appearing.

When a few users complained that Kecleon wasn’t spawning even after spinning a PokeStop with the said Pokemon on it, a person replied: “You need to wait a few seconds before closing the PokeStop, then they show up pretty reliably.”

If you’re grinding for other rare Pokemon Go grabs, here’s how to get Frigibax and Larvesta.

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About The Author

Niladri is a Writer who specializes in Pokemon Go, Scarlet and Violet, and competitive VGC battles. With more than seven years of experience in copywriting and SEO content writing, Niladri has previously written for Pokémon GO Hub and Smogon. He has been covering Pokemon for CharlieIntel since June 2023. Niladri can be contacted at [email protected].