How to change character appearance in Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin lets you change your character’s appearance at any time and try on all the armor pieces you’ve acquired during your travels. With this in mind, here’s how to change character appearance in Rise of the Ronin.
Rise of the Ronin, like Nioh 2 and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, lets players change the appearance of their character and customize their look. The game features a fleshed-out character creation system with various options for things such as eyebrows, nose shape, facial hair, and more.
Players are tasked with finalizing their character’s look before starting the story, and they can also tweak the appearance mid-game. So, if you’re looking to craft an awesome look to show off in co-op or have simply had a change of heart, here’s how to change your character’s appearance in Rise of the Ronin.

Rise of the Ronin: How to change character appearance
To change your character’s appearance in Rise of the Ronin, you’ll need to unlock the Longhouse. This location serves as sort of a base of operations and lets you store items, embark on co-op missions, and more.
You’ll get to the Longhouse as part of the main story path. It’ll be given to you right after you reach the Miyozaki Pleasure District and speak to Taka Murayama.
After reaching the Longhouse, follow these steps to change character appearance:
- In the Longhouse menu, select ‘Relax.’
- Now, select ‘Appearance.’
- You’ll now be taken to the character creation screen as seen at the start of the game.
On this screen, you can tweak things like facial makeup, voice, and hairstyle among others.
Rise of the Ronin: How to change armor appearance
Besides changing the core appearance of your character, Rise of the Ronin also lets you play with the look of your equipment and armor. To test this out, follow these steps:
- In the Longhouse menu, select ‘Relax.’
- Hit ‘Redesign.’
- Select the armor pieces and cosmetics you prefer.
By using the layered armor feature, you can equip the armor pieces you appreciate the appearance of without sacrificing the stat bonuses of high-tier gear. This means that you utilize low-level armor purely for their cosmetic value while still having the skill boosts of your equipped gear.
That was how to change your character’s appearance in Rise of the Ronin. For more on the game, check out other guides:
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