Pokemon Go Regidrago global makeup event: Date & time, Elite Raids & Timed Research

Niantic announced the return of Regidrago Elite Raids in Pokemon Go after issues the first time around. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including the date, time, and a new Timed Research.
After a catastrophic first attempt, Niantic announced that Regidrago is coming back to Elite Raids in Pokemon Go. Trainers experienced many issues back in March and were patiently waiting for a new opportunity at this in-person Raid to catch the Gen 8 Legendary Pokemon.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Regidrago global makeup event.
Pokemon Go Regidrago global makeup event date & time
Regidrago will be appearing in Pokemon Go Elite Raids around the world on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at the following times:
- 11 AM local time
- 2 PM local time
- 5 PM local time
Regidrago will hatch from Raid Eggs that take 24 hours to hatch. That way, players can plan which Gym to Raid ahead of time.
Pokemon Go Regidrago global makeup event Timed Research
Two exclusive Timed Research events will be available to all Pokemon Go players from 11 AM to 6 PM local time on Saturday, May 13, 2023. Trainers that complete the Research tasks will earn Regirock Candy, Regice Candy, and Registeel Candy.
Niantic also announced that trainers in the GMT+13 time zone will be able to get a special bundle from the in-game shop “as a special thank-you for your patience with the issues experienced.” The makeup event bundle will contain 3 Premium Battle Passes and 2 Silver Pinap Berries.
That’s everything you need to know about the Regidrago global makeup event. For more Pokemon content, check out some of our other guides:
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Image Credits: Niantic / The Pokemon Company