Pokemon Go players worried as Niantic accidentally leak major Remote Raid nerf

Ezequiel Leis
Remote raid icons in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go accidentally leaked a Remote Raid Pass limitation and fans are now worried about how it will affect the game once it’s implemented.

Pokemon Go developer Niantic are constantly looking for new ways to keep their community entertained, but not all of their decisions are well received by players. After an accidental leak from Niantic, Pokemon Go trainers are worried they’ll lose an important game feature soon.

What happened, exactly? In a recent Pokemon Go update, players noticed the Remote Raid Pass item showed a longer description than usual. For a very brief time, it said: “Pass to join a Raid Battle remotely. You can join (0) Raids a day.”

This suggests players will have a limited amount of Remote Raids they can take part in daily. Niantic removed that last string of text 30 minutes after it was added.

Pokemon Go community reaction to Remote Raid Pass nerf

Joe Merrick, the webmaster of all-things-Pokemon website Serebii.net, shared a screenshot of the game and said: “This is going to seriously impact how a lot of people play the game. I think this is a very bad idea.”

In the replies, many other Pokemon Go players agreed that it would be a bad move especially affecting trainers in remote and rural areas with little to no access to PokeStops and Gyms.

Others argued that Remote Raids are ‘killing’ regular Raids and the whole essence of Pokemon Go, which is to go out and share experiences with the community.

Remote Raids were introduced in 2020 and allow players to participate in Raids all over the world without the need to get out of their homes. Merrick stated that “Remote Raids literally saved the game during 2020 and 2021 and have been the driver of revenue and even player interaction in the game ever since.”

Pokemon Go players can buy Remote Raid Passes via the in-game store using PokeCoins. They are the most sought-after item in the game, next to storage expansions, since they can bring players together no matter where they are. For many players, it represents the main feature of their Pokemon Go experience.

Although Niantic already fixed the Remote Raid Pass’ description, players think it’s a matter of time until we see those changes implemented in Pokemon Go. We’ll share all available details if and when those changes arrive in the game.

For now, most players are worried about Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn this weekend, which will bring new spawns, shinies, and special Raids featuring Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre.

Image Credits: Niantic / The Pokemon Company