How to beat Pokemon Go Primal Groudon Raid: Weaknesses, counters, can it be shiny, more

The powerful Primal Groudon is coming back to Pokemon Go Raids, and players are eagerly looking forward to adding this beast to their team. Here are all the details on its weakness, best counters, and if shiny Primal Groudon is available in Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go has brought the ultimate challenge back to players, as the one-and-only Primal Groudon is taking over Raids during the World of Wonders season. Trainers are aware of just how strong this Pokemon is, which is why they want to capture it in the mobile game.
But beating Primal Groudon Raids is easier said than done, and you need to assemble the best counters to win one of the toughest Raid battles out there. So, players want to know about their weaknesses and how to build a team of the best counters to get the job done.
Here’s everything you need to know about Primal Groudon Raids in Pokemon Go, including its weaknesses, best counters, and shiny availability.
- How to get Primal Groudon in Pokemon Go
- Primal Groudon type & weaknesses
- Best counters for Primal Groudon Raid
- Primal Groudon Pokemon Go moveset
- Primal Groudon shiny availability in Pokemon Go
How to get Primal Groudon in Pokemon Go
You can get Primal Groudon in Pokemon Go by catching regular Groudon after the Raid Battle and then making it undergo Primal Reversion with 400 Primal Energy.
By participating in multiple Raids, you can collect the required Primal Energy to get Primal Groudon. Players should note that Primal Energy is similar to Mega Energy in the game. This Raid boss will headline challenges on its own Raid Day event on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 2 PM to 5 PM (local time).

Primal Groudon Pokemon Go type & weaknesses
Primal Groudon is a Ground and Fire-type Pokemon. It deals the highest DPS (Damage Per Second) among all Ground types in Pokemon Go.
Coming to its weaknesses, Primal Groudon is weak to only Water and Ground-type moves. Players will be glad to know that Primal Groudon has a double weakness to Water-type attacks in Pokemon Go. With strong Water-type Pokemon and other high-level counters, players can beat the Raid Boss without much effort.
Best counters for Pokemon Go Primal Groudon Raid
The overall best counter for Primal Groudon is Primal Kyogre with Waterfall and Origin Pulse.

While Primal Kyogre is undoubtedly the go-to Primal Groudon counter, there are other species in Pokemon Go that can also help you defeat the Raid Boss.
So, here are the best Primal Groudon counters in Pokemon Go:
- Mega Swampert: This powerful Pokemon has an excellent Attack stat of 283 as well as high bulk to deal massive damage to Primal Groudon. Moreover, it boosts both Water and Ground-type moves during the Raid battle.
- Mega Blastoise: This Gen 1 Mega Evolution is only second to Mega Swampert in raw damage output and is one of the most useful Raid counters in the game.
- Mega Gyarados: With Waterfall and Aqua Tail, Mega Gyarados can do quick damage numbers in a short period of time.
- Greninja: After gaining access to Water Shuriken and Hydro Cannon from its Community Day, Greninja is extremely reliable in spamming Hydro Cannon. However, it has low bulk so dodging is recommended.
- Garchomp: This Pseudo Legendary species combines good stats and moveset to take out chunks of HP from Primal Groudon.
- Landorus Therian: As it resists all Ground-type moves, Landorus Therian can hang out for a long time in the Raid battle.
Other good Primal Groudon Pokemon Go counters include Excadrill, Kingler, Primarina, and Mamoswine.
Primal Groudon Pokemon Go moveset
Here’s the list of moves that Primal Groudon can learn in Pokemon Go:
Primal Groudon Pokemon Go Fast Moves
- Mud Shot (Ground)
- Dragon Tail (Dragon)
Primal Groudon Pokemon Go Charged Moves
- Earthquake (Ground)
- Precipice Blades* (Ground)
- Fire Punch (Fire)
- Fire Blast (Fire)
- Solar Beam (Grass)
You should know that Precipice Blades and Fire Punch are Legacy Moves and can be taught to Primal Groudon in Pokemon Go by using Elite Charged TMs.
Keep in mind that you can catch a Groudon with these Legacy Moves during the Primal Groudon Raid Day, so keep your eyes peeled for them.
Can Primal Groudon be shiny in Pokemon Go?
Yes, shiny Primal Groudon is available in Pokemon Go. Lucky players can obtain shiny Groudon after beating it in the Raid Battle and then obtain shiny Primal Groudon through Primal Reversion.
And there you have it! This is all you need to know about Pokemon Go Primal Groudon Raid Battles. For more Pokemon Go content, be sure to check out our other guides:
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