Halo Infinite devs respond to players desperate to earn XP for playing matches

Andrew Highton
halo character posing with gun

Halo Infinite players are already loving the surprise early launch of the game’s multiplayer component, but they have taken exception to the game’s XP system and feel it desperately needs to be changed, leading to a response from a 343 Industries dev.

Needless to say that the gaming world was shaken yesterday by the shock news that Halo Infinite’s multiplayer would be available to download nearly a whole month earlier than expected.

The campaign, and any other unexpected content, is due to launch on December 8, but players are already well underway in the game’s multiplayer beta. However, despite all the cool maps, weapons, and gameplay features that Halo Infinite has, fans are disappointed with one aspect of it – the XP progression system.

But thankfully, 343 Industries have shown that they won’t sit idly and watch the issue escalate further as they have come out and addressed it.

halo infinite battle pass

Frustrating Halo Infinite XP & Battle Pass System

Progression and leveling up are vital elements of any sustainable online multiplayer that wants decent longevity.

343 Industries have highlighted Halo’s long-term focus by declaring that their Battle Passes won’t expire, but it seems like the game’s XP system isn’t going to make it easy to complete them.

A post on the Halo subreddit has garnered an astonishing 17.3K upvotes and rising, called: “There MUST be per-match XP.”

In it, user Aeroslade said: “Leveling the battle-pass is frustrating, completing a hard-fought game only to slowly see increments of sometimes 100-200XP per challenge and nothing else. I really hope they implement XP for matches completed and matches won.”

In theory, it’s possible for a player to drop majorly kill-heavy games and virtually no rewards for doing so. Some of the challenges also seem to encourage play that isn’t in keeping with objectives and could consequently hurt team performances and scores.

One comment with 6K upvotes said; “Per match XP based on medals you earn seems like a no-brainer,” whereas another said: “I have played for 4 hours, and I am just about halfway through Level 2. No idea how anyone is supposed to reach Level 100 with the current rate of XP gain, in any reasonable amount of time, without spending $$$ – which I guess is the intention.”

343 Industries responds to XP system complaints

The outcry towards the system has now drawn the attention of 343 Industries, in particular, their Community Director Brian Jarrard who has issued a response.

He said: “Thank you to everyone who has jumped into the #HaloInfintie beta so far! FYI the team is looking at Battle Pass progression and gathering data from yesterday’s sessions and we’ll share updates as we have them. Please continue to share feedback and raise flags as you see them.”

It’s extremely positive to see that 343 are already looking into the game’s main criticism and will presumably look for a solution that works for everyone moving forward.

Halo Infinite’s online multiplayer is still technically in its Beta phase, so it’s always possible that 343 Industries will change the XP system during Season 1, or at the very least for the beginning of Season 2.

If you’re interested in more Halo Infinite news and content, check out if Halo Infinite will have a battle royale mode.

Image Credit: 343 Industries