Apex Legends: Lifeline’s Clinic teases Kings Canyon & new moon BR map

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends lifeline's clinic olympus

An easter egg found on Apex Legends’ brand-new Lifeline Town Takeover on Olympus may hint at map changes to Kings Canyon and a new moon-themed BR map.

The Apex Legends Awakening Collection Event didn’t just bring new cosmetics, Valkyrie’s Heirloom, and the return of Control, it also brought a brand-new Town Takeover.

As well as some buffs, Lifeline got her very own POI on Olympus called the Clinic, which definitely holds a few secrets. Some players in the Apex Legends community have discovered some easter eggs in the new POI which may be hinting at both Kings Canyon changes and the next BR map.

lifeline's clinic apex legends

Lifeline’s new Town Takeover on Olympus brings new life to the northeastern side of the map, sitting just behind the Gardens POI. Since 1.98 patch dropped on June 21, players have been getting to grips with this new POI and all it has to offer.

Apex Legends content creator kralrindo pointed out some interesting magazines that can be found in the POI, one of which the headline states “Salvage operation complete…say hello to King’s Canyon’s New Relic.”

This is of course hinting at the King’s Canyon POI Salvage, which has been attempting to clean up the collapse of Skull Town since Season 5. This magazine headline is clearly hinting at a change to the POI, as the salvage operation has been complete, and a new relic is now in its place.

It’s unclear what Salvage is going to be replaced with, but the “new relic” could be salvaged parts of Skull Town, which possessed a massive skeleton of an ancient creature. We’ll likely find out when more is revealed for Season 14, which is when the map will return.

Further, someone in the comments noticed another easter egg in the same magazine, as just above the Salvage story it reads: “Boreas News…CRC in a deadlock about the moon’s future.”

Boreas is Seer’s home planet, and many believe this headline is just a reference to the destroyed moon in the skybox of the Arenas map Encore.

However, previous leaks have revealed Respawn’s plans for the next battle royale map, which could possibly be set on a moon, and some think this may be a teaser for it.

We aren’t set for a new battle royale map until Season 15, and that’s only if the current trend of a new battle royale map releasing every four seasons is correct. With that being said, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a teaser this earlier on.

We’ll have to wait and see if any more teasers can back up the magazine headlines, but for now, check out the Apex Legends leaks that are suggesting a level cap increase is on its way.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment