New Apex Legends character accidentally leaked by devs

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends roster with leaked legend

The Apex Legends devs seem to have accidentally revealed a brand-new Legend for the battle royale, making a mishap in their dev diary video for the Season 20 update.

Apex Legends Season 20 is the exciting next new update for players, bringing a major overhaul to the Ranked Leagues, while also introducing the new Legend Upgrades and shield system, which will completely change the way the battle royale is played.

While there is plenty of new content and balance changes set to arrive in the new update, much like for Season 16 and Season 18, there will be no new Legend in Season 20.

While this may be slightly disappointing for players, as the Legends are truly the life and soul of Apex Legends, the devs seem to have accidentally revealed a new character in their latest dev diary video, giving fans something to get excited about.

Apex Legends devs accidentally reveal new Legend

The Developer Diary for the new Apex Legends Season, Breakout, was meant to only showcase the content and updates coming in Season 20. However, while discussing the new LTM, Straight Shot, the Legend selection screen was shown, and an unfamiliar face was spotted in the Skirmisher section.

It seems the next new Legend, most likely arriving in Season 21 of Apex Legends, will be a Skirmisher. We don’t yet know much about this character, but after screenshotting and zooming into the small image of the unreleased Legends’ selection card, you can see some of the character’s design.

Many in the comments of AlphaIntel’s X post suggest that her character design looks “evil,” with one comment that read, “Looks like my sleep paralysis demon.”

While some are excited about the accidental new Legend reveal, there are others who are slightly disappointed about the leaked Legends’ class. “Another Skirmisher?” one player said, while another commented, “Another worthless filler legend.”

Only time will tell if this newly revealed Legend will actually make it to the game or have the same design as what was accidentally shown in the Season 20 dev diary. Until then, make sure you check out everything we know about the 5th Apex Legends Anniversary Collection Event.