Warzone players fuming over “embarrassing” new Fort Resurgence map

Max Candelarezi
Warzone player next to Al Bagra Fortress POI

After plenty of hype for its Season 5 Reloaded arrival, the new Fort Resurgence map has finally hit Warzone. However, after players got their hands on it, it didn’t take long for them to rage over Activision’s “embarrassing” decision.

Season 5 Reloaded is well underway in Warzone 2, bringing a massive amount of new content for players to explore, including three new weapons, like the Lachmann Shroud, 9mm Daemon, and Pickaxe Melee. In addition, a fresh camo challenge arrived with free rewards, as well as several weapon buffs and nerfs.

The update also brought a new Resurgence map for the game through a new mode called Fort Resurgence, which arrived at a later date during the season. However, upon Fort Resurgence’s release, players didn’t take long to slam Activision’s decision to reutilize another map in order to create a “new” one.

Players slam Warzone 2 Fort Resurgence map

The Al Bagra Fortress-based map called Fort Resurgence didn’t get off to a hot start in Warzone 2 as players slammed the new map due to it not meeting their expectations.

Initially announced to launch at the start of the mid-season update, the Call of Duty team later announced that the map’s release would be pushed back by a week, consequentially souring fans’ reception of the Season 5 Reloaded update.

Despite being aware of the map’s location within “Al Bagra Fortress and its surroundings,” many fans were left disappointed upon its release, as they felt it fell short of its potential and resembled a “mere rebranded Mini Royale.”

Under CharlieIntel’s tweet announcing the map’s arrival, one player remarked, “This is embarrassing, no excuses,” upon recognizing that the “map is essentially Al Mazrah Resurgence.” Another player chimed in saying: “That part of Al Mazrah is top 3 worst parts of the map.”

Another player expressed their frustration, stating, “And they delayed it LMAO,” in reference to Call of Duty’s announcement of a delay following the launch of Season 5 Reloaded‘s update.

Meanwhile, another fan questioned, “What was the delay for, anyway? They added the worst part of Al Mazrah into a small zone designed for campers.”

While originally expected to introduce diversity to the Resurgence mode, this was quickly overshadowed by fans’ disappointment, as it appears to have fallen short of their expectations.

For more on Call of Duty, be sure to check out everything we know so far about the Warzone 2 Halloween 2023 event or how the new AI voice chat technology detects toxic players in the game.

About The Author

Max is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in Call of Duty news and guides, EA FC, Apex Legends, XDefiant, and The Finals. He has completed the International Baccalaureate in English. You can contact Max by email at [email protected].