First Modern Warfare 2 player to complete weapon mastery grind met with disappointment

After unlocking the Orion camo, Modern Warfare 2 players can undergo the massive weapon mastery grind to get 1,000 kills with each weapon. Despite a teased ultimate reward, the first player to complete it was met with disappointment.
Each year, Call of Duty’s most dedicated players undergo the camo grind, looking to unlock the ultimate camo for every weapon in the game. Modern Warfare 2 takes it one step further by including the massive weapon mastery grind.
To complete the weapon mastery grind, players must unlock Orion on every weapon and then get 1,000 kills with each — including the launchers and melee weapons. “Of course, there is a completion reward for doing this,” the devs revealed ahead of launch.
The devs didn’t actually reveal what the reward would be, but some speculated that it would be the ability to mix and match camos that the blog briefly showed off. A unique ‘Grand Mastery’ charm was also found through the CDL private match glitch.
However, a player has completed the weapon mastery grind but was disappointed to discover they haven’t actually unlocked a reward.
Streamer BobbyRandhile is the first player to publically complete Modern Warfare 2’s weapon mastery grind, with it taking the streamer over 17 days of in-game time to complete. As a testament to their dedication, it took over 22 hours to get 1,000 kills with the JOKR.
As proof, they showed they had the Mastery: Orion Calling Card for every weapon in the game, but that’s all they could show.
After sharing the news on Twitter, the streamer said they “got nothing to show for it,” believing that the challenge is bugged. All the proof they have is the Calling Cards for each weapon, so it seems they didn’t have the Charm in their account.
Some speculated that the reward hasn’t been added to the game yet in an attempt to hide it from dataminers. We’ll have to wait and see whether it’s just a bug or if the reward just hasn’t been added yet.
With Season 1 Reloaded on the horizon, we could see the weapon mastery reward added to Modern Warfare 2 but there’s no guarantee.
Image Credit: Activision