New Apex Legends update counters hacker’s “Save Titanfall” DDoS attacks

Hamza Khalid
Pathfinder from Apex Legends in Titanfall

One Apex Legends hacker created a new playlist name that would send players to a website about saving Titanfall. This DDoS attack caught the attention of Respawn, who then deployed a fix.

Recently, DDoSers have been flooding both Titanfall titles, preventing fans from playing the game. Respawn Entertainment have been trying to address these attacks, but they’ve been prevalent for a while.

One hacker was particularly upset with the state of things, and took over Apex Legends through a DDoS attack on July 4, with a series of messages that would take players to a website about “saving Titanfall.”

Now, Respawn have addressed this issue and issued a fix.

Save titanfall DDoS attack in apex legends

Apex Legends has recently been flooded with DDoSers that have been ruining the experience for other players, and Respawn have been trying to address these issues as soon as possible.

On July 4, Apex players noticed that the name of the playlist had been updated to mention a ‘new mode available.’ It was renamed to ‘SAVETITANFALL.COM | BRUH’, and included the message “TF1 is being attacked so is Apex.”

Players were unable to queue up for other game modes, and received an message at the end of games, instructing them to visit and repost the savetitanfall website.

The website had the following statement. “Titanfall is a beloved franchise by many, and hacker issues have been at rise. The Titanfall community has been begging Respawn to fix this issue for over three years, but to no avail.”

Hours later, this was met with a response from Respawn on Twitter. They engaged in a six hour process of coming up with a fix for the matchmaking, while removing the hacked playlist. A server update was then rolled out.

“We’ve confirmed that matchmaking has been restored,” stated the Apex Legends developers. “We’re keeping an eye on things but believe the issue to be resolved. Thanks for your patience, Legends.”

At the time of writing, it seems that the update worked, as Apex Legends is performing as intended. The devs will be keeping an eye on the situation to make sure that there isn’t another DDoS attack of this nature.

That’s all for this Apex Legends update. For more, stay tuned via Charlie INTEL and check out our article on how to fix Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment