Apex Legends players call for changes to Season 11’s “trash” footstep audio

Hamza Khalid
Horizon in Apex Legends

Apex Legends players are claiming that the game’s footstep audio makes it difficult to decipher enemy movements in Season 11 and want the developers to make some major changes to it.

Apex Legends Season 11 added plenty of fun new content, including various buffs and nerfs, a brand-new Legend named Ash, and the tropical Storm Point map which comes with its own wildlife.

However, several players have claimed that footstep audio is extremely inconsistent in Season 11, making it difficult to decipher enemy movements even when they’re sprinting towards you.

octane using launch pad

Reddit user ‘Erydrim‘ posted a clip showcasing this problem in the Apex Legends subreddit. It shows the player being receiving no audio cues to indicate an opponent was sprinting towards them until it was too late.

The running enemy was able to somehow sneak up on the Redditor and take them out. Erydrim then asked if anyone else experienced a “severe” increase in the footstep audio bug, and a few players reported the same issue in the comments.

“I have had so many people run up on me and my other members of my squad this season with zero audio… I have also noticed vertical audio in this season particularly is trash. People will be below and sound right beside me,” commented one user.

A few users believed that there was no sound simply because the enemy was playing as Horizon and they have used her Tactical ability to land behind the player without alerting them until it was too late.

However, Erydrim responded that even if that were the case, Legends still make a noise when landing and there was no audio of that in the clip. So, they believe the issue is with the in-game footstep audio.

As of the time of writing, the developers have yet to respond to these audio issues. If it comes to their attention, then they might implement a fix for the problem in a future update patch.

For more Apex Legends, check out how to get Apex Legends Twitch Prime Gaming rewards along with our Apex Legends Season 11 review.

Image credits: Respawn Entertainment