Apex Legends players believe Blisk is the next Legend thanks to Mobile trailer

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends blisk

Apex Legends fans are always looking for hints at the next Legend to be introduced and players may have found some intriguing developments for Blisk in a recent trailer for the Mobile version of the BR.

Apex Legends has just launched its new season on consoles and PC, introducing a brand new Legend in Mad Maggie, as well as the Control LTM, which seems to have stolen the show for Season 12.

Despite the new additions, fans are always on the prowl to find out new information about future content.

A new in-game trailer for the Mobile Version of the battle royale was recently released, possibly hinting at Blisk‘s future arrival as a Legend.

apex legends rampart and blisk

Apex Legends Mobile is still undergoing tests, only releasing in certain regions. Although the game hasn’t officially launched yet, many have been able to get their hands on the game through the Soft Launch.

It’s these players who were able to view a brand new in-game trailer for the game when booting it up on their devices. This new trailer doesn’t just hype up the current roster through cinematic gameplay shots, it also shows a glimpse of Blisk right at the end.

For those that don’t know, Blisk is the leader of the Syndicate, the organization behind the games. As well as being involved in the Titanfall games, he also plays a pivotal role within the lore of Apex Legends, and he may have even more to offer as one player spotted something interesting about his model in the trailer.

Reddit user turntrout101 noticed the change in Blisk’s appearance during the trailer and highlighted it in a post on the Apex Legends subreddit.

The fact that Blisk is now being depicted with a Jump Kit, which every Legend has to soften their landing when dropping into the map, definitely makes the claim that he will become a Legend even more prominent.

Some in the comments of the post are even speculating that he could arrive as soon as next season: “I have a feeling blisk might come next season.”

The idea that Blisk could arrive next season is even more believable considering the current plot in Apex Legends with Duardo Silva looking to take over the Syndicate. This would leave Blisk without a job, allowing him to join the Apex Games.

We’ll have to wait and see as more details are revealed. For updates, leaks, and more on Season 13 and who the next Legend will be, stay tuned on Charlie INTEL. For now, check out the best Legends to use in Season 12.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment