Pokemon Go players stage boycott over leaked Remote Raid Pass changes

Ezequiel Leis
Remote Raid Pass icon in Pokemon Go with a Forbidden sign

Pokemon Go players are reacting to an accidental leak concerning Remote Raid Pass changes and plan to boycott the game if their feedback is ignored.

Pokemon Go players are fuming over recent leaks that suggest big changes to Remote Raid Passes. First, an accidental leak showed a new daily limitation for Remote Raids. Then, another leak suggested there’s a price increase planned for next season.

Now, the community decided to take action before it’s too late, to show Niantic that they’re not happy with their decisions.

Reddit user Moumantai shared an infographic and invited other players to join a strike: “In case Niantic goes through with their Remote Raid Pass changes, this is how we can react as a community and show we aren’t ok with their greediness. Join the cause and save money!”

The image shared by Moumantai details a plan of action for any Pokemon Go user that wants to take part in the boycott.

In just a few hours, the thread rose to the top of the Pokemon Go subreddit with many players agreeing that there has to be something they can do to stop this kind of decision.

The main argument behind the boycott is that limiting Remote Raids and increasing its price tag will leave rural players with little to do in the game. But Remote Raid Pass changes are just the latest in a series of questionable decisions by developer Niantic, according to some players.

“We’re all aware of the predatory monetization schemes in the game shop with overpriced boxes and items. Many of us chose to ignore this, and the greediness of the corporation grows as a result,” reads the infographic.

In the comments, many Pokemon Go players agree they need to do something to show Niantic they don’t see eye to eye with their vision. While some agree with the steps suggested by Moumantai, others feel like they shouldn’t wait any longer to take action.

Others believe more drastic measures are needed, like uninstalling the game completely until Niantic addresses the community. Either way, another group of users also noted that the Pokemon Go subreddit is small compared with the worldwide Pokemon Go community, so the strike might not accomplish much.

It’s hard to tell how all of this is going to play out when and if the Remote Raid Pass changes become active.

For now, Niantic and Pokemon Go players are mostly focused on the upcoming Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn event and possible Pokemon Day announcements for the next season.

Image Credits: Niantic / The Pokemon Company