Pokemon Go players slam “trash” Team Rocket Shadow catches that aren’t even meta

The villainous Team Rocket Leaders are back with new Shadow lineups in Pokemon Go, and trainers are shocked at how underwhelming each of their catchable species is.
Every Taken Over event introduces new Pokemon in their teams, and there is always at least one that is meta-relevant for Raids or the Go Battle League.
But, the latest Team Rocket Leader teams have hit a new low, with Sierra’s Carvanha, Cliff’s Lileep, and Arlo’s Anorith up for grabs. When well-known Pokemon Go player, ‘PoGOCentral’ shared these updates in an X post, the community was livid.
In the past, Team Rocket Leaders had wielded powerful Pseudo Legendary lines, giving trainers the OP Shadow version of Salamence, Dragonite, Metagross, and Machamp. These catches are some of the best attackers in the game.
Surprisingly, the Grunts ended up having worthy catches, with the Fighting-type NPC having Shadow Timburr, which evolves into Conkeldurr, one of the strongest in the meta.
Also, players were disappointed with Niantic skipping Shadow Rayquaza in Giovanni‘s team and opting for Cresselia instead. With the Team Rocket Boss having Kyogre and Groudon in the last two rotations, everyone was expecting the Leader teams to make up for it.
Shadow Sharpedo, Carvanha’s evolution, has some limited use as a Raid counter to Fire, Ground, and Rock-type Bosses, but it doesn’t offer much value due to its extremely low bulk.
The OP called it one of the worst rotations and everyone agreed, as fans declared that they won’t care about battling the Leaders until their team changes next Season.
Ultimately, everyone was shocked at not finding any useful Pokemon to catch from these NPCs, resulting in people calling them “trash” and one comment that read, “This better be fake.”
If you aren’t interested in battling Team Rocket in Pokemon Go, you can battle Shadow Lugia Raids and get a powerful addition to your Master League team.