Pokemon Go April Fool’s Day event unlocks Galarian Farfetch’d in minutes

Niladri Sarkar
pokemon go galarian farfetch'd and evolution sirfetch'd

The Pokemon Go April Fool’s Day 2024 event has tuned all catch attempts into guaranteed Excellent Throws, and players can use this opportunity to evolve Galarian Farfetch’d into Sirfetch’d in no time!

Plenty of Pokemon Go evolutions have unique conditions, but hardly any of them are as challenging as evolving Galarian Farfetch’d not Sirfetch’d by landing a whopping 10 Excellent Throws on encounters, in addition to the usual Candy requirement.

These two Galarian Pokemon are huge fan favorites due to their appearance in the anime, and you must be trying hard to unlock the iconic evolution. But, thanks to the April Fool’s Day event that ensures Excellent Throws on each catch, you can get Sirfetch’d without any stress!

This was pointed out by user ‘lexluthzor’ in a Reddit post where they wrote, “PSA: Have Galarian Farfetch’d as your buddy on April Fool’s Day” while adding that the event is a boon for players who struggle with landing Excellent Throws.

A user commented: “Excellent PSA, thank you” before adding, “I’ve got a GL, an UL and a hundo I never got around to evolving.” They even jokingly called the event Sirfetch’d Community Day.

Galarian Farfetch’d is available in 7km Eggs, which you can get by opening Gifts in Pokemon Go. Additionally, it can also be shiny.

While you can get an Excellent Throw for each Pokemon you catch to unlock Sirfetch’d, trainers highlighted that the catch rates won’t be boosted. “The size of the circle is a modifier that adds to catch rate. Whether it says excellent or nice doesn’t technically matter,” a player stated.

Rest assured, after testing it in-game, I can confirm the bonus is real despite it being an April Fool’s Day event. I got my Sirfetch’d under four minutes!

Keep in mind that you need to have your Galarian Farfetch’d as a Buddy when you make the Excellent Throws and bonus tip, use a Lucky Egg to claim tons of XP from each catch.