Amazon UK Reveals details on DLC ‘Revolution’; includes Map & Zombie Descriptions -UPDATE

Amazon UK has just revealed all the details on the upcoming Black Ops 2 DLC “Revolution” ahead of schedule. Now it looks like we a description of all the maps including zombies
From Amazon UK:
Welcome to the Revolution
Revolution is the first downloadable content pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, containing four of the most exciting Multiplayer maps, a thrilling new Zombies map and for the first time ever, a new weapon – The Peacekeeper SMG.
Released on Xbox Live on January 29, Revolution includes:
• Hydro–This large map allows you to use the dam and water to your advantage to block paths and stop enemies.
• Downhill–A medium-sized map based in the French Alps complete with snow, chair lifts, and a strategically placed lodge.
• Grind–Set within the locale of the Venice, California boardwalk, this small skate park map is sure to deliver fast and frenetic Call of Duty action.
• Mirage–This Gobi Desert multiplayer map utilises sand dunes to provide different levels of elevation and a sanctuary in the centre as a natural chokepoint.
• Zombies – Die Rise–The Zombie apocalypse has invaded China, turning down town into a dilapidated and dangerous MC Escher painting.
• Peacekeeper SMG–This impressive sub-machine gun fills the open weapon slot in your load-out with power and accuracy.
The Revolution Content Pack costs 1200 Xbox LIVE Points, or purchase a Call of Duty: Black Ops II Season Pass for 4200 Xbox LIVE Points.
UPDATE: HMV’s Facebook page reveals early, offers additional description of maps (via @DW247), PC and PS3 coming February 28th.[nggallery id=437]
Activision have announced the first DLC pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops II will be available from January 29th*
The Revolution Pack will include five new maps and a new SMG gun with its own challenges and specs:
Map 1 – Mirage – A town set in the aftermath of a sandstorm with sand dunes scattered in between buildings with one structure directly in the center; perfect for sniping and creeping up on enemy players.
Map 2 – Downhill – A Ski Lodge in the French Alps with both an accessible interior and working Ski Lift for transport up the mountain for the perfect cover (or death trap).
Map 3 – Hydro – This large map is perfect for long distance killing and with working flood gates to block paths/take our enemies, could be the best map in the DLC.
Map 4 – Skate – This more compact map sees players use ramps and bowls for cover along the Venice, California Boardwalk.
Map 5 – Die Rise – A new Zombies map set atop buildings that are literally falling apart.
The pack will be available on January 29th on Xbox 360 for 1200 MS points or purchase Call of Duty Black Ops II Season Pass for 4,000 MS Points and get all Four DLC packs and SAVE 800 Points
(You also get Nuketown Zombies and Exclusive Playercard).
*The Revolution Pack will be available on Sony PlayStation PS3 & PC from February 28th.
SOURCE: Amazon UK Via @Moriarty1975