Dr Disrespect explains why Halo Infinite must have a battle royale

Hamza Khalid
Dr Disrespect and a spartan in Halo Infinite

While Dr Disrespect has enjoyed what we’ve seen of the highly-anticipated Halo Infinite so far, the popular Two-Time is concerned about the possible lack of a battle royale mode. 

There is a ton of anticipation among fans for the upcoming Halo Infinite. We’ve gotten various details about the game ahead of its December 8 launch, and one of the biggest points of speculation is a possible Battle Royale mode.

While nothing has been confirmed yet regarding a battle royale mode, it had previously been hinted at through some leaked audio files. Now, popular streamer Dr Disrespect has shared his thoughts on this.

Dr Disrespect and Halo spartan

The Doc was in the Halo Infinite multiplayer test for a few matches with other streamers ZLaner, TimTheTatMan, and DrLupo. After a few wins, he explained why he feels that the game needs to have a Battle Royale mode.

“When this game launches, viewership is not going to be good,” he said. “It’ll be good for like a week, but then it’ll slip into that traditional sandbox.” He then elaborated that the battle royale mode’s success depends on how it’s executed.

“I was looking at this Big Team Battle gameplay footage and I’m looking at it like, just thinking to myself, god I hope these guys if they make a battle royale, I hope they execute it correctly because they could do it bad,” said Doc.

Timestamp of 22:19

While he’s skeptical about the game’s popularity without a battle royale mode, the streamer praised the multiplayer maps and considers them a huge improvement over the ones in Halo 5.

He previously claimed to have inside information on an upcoming battle royale mode for a game that sounded similar to Halo Infinite. Hopefully, we’ll see that mode arrive in the game soon enough.

Luckily, there are also other amazing game modes that you can try out in Halo Infinite when the game launches, and many more are expected to arrive later on. Also, check out how to take part in the next Halo Infinite flight test.

Image credits: 343 Industries