Two new perks for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 revealed – Update: Fake

Keshav Bhat

UPDATE: We are unable to verify this leak. It appears the information was photoshopped.

Looks like leak season may be starting already…a user on Twitter, @GuiasTacticasES, has shared two new perks that are in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The images were Spanish versions of Black Ops 4, so this is the rough translation from Google Translate:

  • Engineer: Detects scorestreaks and enemy equipment through the walls. Help packages with traps and change what they contain.
  • Medic: Recover health over time by not receiving damage, but you lose the ability to heal yourself manually.

A hand full of the perks were in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 MP were shown in the beta back in August, but some were not ready for the game till launch version.

This post will be updated if more perk details are shared.

*In-game images not shown in this post. 

SOURCE: @GuiasTacticasES