How to get V-R11 Wonder Weapon in MW3 Zombies

Wondering how to get the V-R11 Wonder Weapon in MW3 Zombies? Here’s everything you need to know, including how to get the V-R11 Schematic so that you can craft it.
MW3 Zombies is heating up, as the Season 2 Reloaded update finally introduced some fresh content for the mode, including a new story mission, Dark Aether Rift, and more.
The V-R11 Wonder Weapon was introduced in Season 1 of MW3 without a Schematic, but that’s now changed. If you’re wondering the best way to get the V-R11 Wonder Weapon in MWZ, as well as how you can obtain the Schematic so that you can craft it, here’s everything you need to know.
MW3 Zombies: How to unlock the V-R11 Wonder Weapon

To unlock the V-R11 Wonder Weapon in MW3 Zombies, players must find a Mystery Box or a Weapon Case from a Rift Reward, which is luck-based.
The Mystery Box costs 950 Essence and can be found by using your tac-map and looking for the chest icon. Remember this box offers random weapons when you use it, so getting the V-R11 is completely random.
If you finish contracts in Threat Zones level 2 and 3, you will be able to access a Reward Rift and hopefully get a Wonder Weapon Case. There’s a chance for you to get any of the Wonder Weapons so you’ll have to cross your fingers it’s the one you want.
How to get V-R11 Schematic in MW3 Zombies
You can get the V-R11 Schematic in MW3 Zombies by finding it in Reward Rifts after completing Contracts in the new Dark Aether Rift area associated with the Act 4 mission “Counter Measures.” This new Dark Rift and area was introduced with the Season 2 Reloaded update.
There are three new Schematics you can get in the Reward Rifts for completing Contracts in the new Dark Aether zone – Blood Burner Key, Mags of Holding, and the VR-11 Wonder Weapon. If you’re lucky enough to get the VR-11 Scheamtic, you’ll want to exfil safely, as that will officially unlock it for crafting.
If you want more on MW3, including tons of Zombies content, check out our other articles below:
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