Best TAQ Evolvere loadout for Modern Warfare 3 Season 2

Nathan Warby
TAQ Evolvere with MW3

Modern Warfare 3 has a wide variety of weapons to pick from, and the TAQ Evolvere LMG can go toe-to-toe with the game’s best guns. So, here’s the best TAQ Evolvere loadout in MW3 Season 2, including all the attachments, Perks, and Equipment.

Modern Warfare 3’s Season 2 is underway bringing with it a ton of content, including new multiplayer maps, as well as a crossover with AMC’s The Walking Dead, and several weapon buffs and nerfs.

Following the update, Call of Duty introduced an update on February 13 buffing this LMG allowing it to become one of the best guns in the game, thanks to its large mags and easy handling that’s more like an Assault Rifle.

But before you try it out for yourself, here’s the best TAQ Evolvere loadout for MW3 Season 2.

Best MW3 TAQ Evolvere loadout attachments

  • Barrel: Eviction 762 Heavy Barrel
  • Muzzle: VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L
  • Underbarrel: Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip
  • Stock: Assault-60 Stock
  • Magazine: 50 Round 762 Belt

We kick off our best TAQ Evolvere loadout in Modern Warfare 3 with the VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L, which buffs the range and bullet velocity while also keeping you hidden from the radar. Then, we’ve gone for the Eviction 762 Heavy Barrel and Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip to keep the LMG accurate at all ranges.

Next up is the Assault-60 Stock, which improves the ADS and overall movement speed, making it feel lighter to use. Finally, the 50 Round 762 Belt halves its ammo capacity but offers major mobility buffs so the TAQ Evolvere plays more like an AR.

TAQ Evolvere loadout in MW3
This TAQ Evolvere loadout improves its mobility and range.

Best MW3 TAQ Evolvere loadout Perks & Equipment

  • Vest: Infantry
  • Gloves: Commando
  • Boots: Lightweight
  • Gear: Ghost T/V
  • Lethal: Semtex
  • Tactical: Flash Grenade

You’ll need the right Perks to complete the best TAQ Evolvere loadout in MW3, so we recommend starting with the Infantry Vest to improve the duration of your Tactical Sprint. Then, Commando Gloves allow you to reload the LMG while sprinting, adding to its mobility.

Lightweight Boots are ideal for guns in this category, as they improve your overall movement speed. Ghost T/V is also a must-use, as it hides you from enemy UAVs that could reveal your position.

For the Equipment, the Semtex is perfect for racking up quick kills, while Flash Grenades can blind enemies before you pick them off.

How to unlock TAQ Evolvere in MW3

TAQ Eradicator in MW3 & Warzone
The TAQ Evolvere was introduced with the Season 1 Reloaded update.

You can unlock the TAQ Evolvere in MW3 by completing an Armory Unlock challenge, so all you’ll need to do is reach Level 25 to unlock them.

Best TAQ Evolvere alternatives in MW3

If the TAQ Evolvere isn’t working for you in MW3, the Pulemyot 762 is an easy-to-use LMG that can be devastating with the right Conversion Kit. On the other hand, you could switch to a more traditional Assault Rifle like the MCW.

For more on Modern Warfare 3, be sure to check out our other guides:

Best Assault Rifles in Modern Warfare 3 | How to level up fast in Modern Warfare 3 | Best FOV settings for Modern Warfare 3 | Best SMGs in Modern Warfare 3 | Best controller settings for Modern Warfare 3 | How to fix packet burst in Modern Warfare 3

About The Author

Nathan is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel. He’s an expert in EA Sports FC, Call of Duty, and Overwatch, as well as superhero games, including Marvel’s Spider-Man. With a master's degree in Magazine Journalism from Nottingham Trent University, he worked as a Trainee Reporter for Derbyshire Live before moving into games media, with bylines at Dexerto, Cultured Vultures, and more. You can contact Nathan by email at [email protected].