How to fix packet burst in Modern Warfare 3

Nikhil Bahuguna
MW3 Favela map with a player shooting

Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 is in full swing, allowing you to hop into the new 6v6 maps, albeit you might experience network issues at times/on rare occassions. If lag and stuttering are ruining your gameplay, here’s how to fix the packet burst error in MW3.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 went live on December 6 and added a bunch of new maps and weapons to the game. The update also integrated Modern Warfare 3 with Warzone, bringing the former’s weapons, operators, and mechanics, to the battle royale. You can now jump into the new Urzikstan map, with many in the community looking for the best ground loot in various landing spots.

Having said that, lag and stuttering can stop you from enjoying the new content to the fullest. Packet burst is one of the biggest factors behind such issues and three squares placed vertically on the top-left corner of the screen confirm that you’re experiencing it.

On that note, here’s how to fix the packet burst error in Modern Warfare 3.

combat in modern warfare 3 map
Server issues will ruin your K/D and slow down your progress in MW3.

How to fix packet burst in MW3

The best way to fix packet burst, lag, or stuttering issues in MW3 is by restarting the device you’re playing on. When you restart your PC, Xbox, or PlayStation, it allows MW3 to reset and eliminate most network or server issues.

However, if the issue continues to exist in your game, here are a few simple fixes that can help:

  1. Reboot Router: Close the game and then reset your router. If you’re having network issues, leading to packet bursts, this will help resolve those issues in MW3.
    • To see whether your internet is steady or not, you can check if there’s any packet loss. To do so, use a laptop or PC, and type ‘cmd‘ in the Start menu. Then, type ‘ping -t’ and press Enter.
    • If your internet isn’t working properly and has packet loss issues, you’ll see ‘Request timed out‘ in the Command Prompt window.
  2. Switch to Ethernet: Playing on Wi-Fi can lead to packet loss problems, so connect to an Ethernet cable to go online on your gaming platform.
  3. Disable Crossplay: You cannot disable crossplay on PC but can toggle it off on PlayStation and Xbox.
    • On PlayStation 4/5, head to MW3 Settings, then ‘Account & Network’, and disable crossplay in the ‘Online’ tab.
    • For Xbox One and Series X/S, head to Settings → Account → Privacy & online safety → Xbox privacy → View details and customize → Communication & multiplayer, then turn off the ‘You can join cross-network play’ option.
  4. Disable On-Demand Texture Streaming: This setting is available on consoles only and can be turned off by navigating to Settings, then Graphics.
  5. Contact Support: If none of the above methods help eliminate packet bursts or lag issues, contact Activision Support.

So there you have it! We hope these fixes will help resolve your packet burst or loss issues in MW3. For more content on MW3, make sure to check out the following:

Best FOV settings for Modern Warfare 3 | When is Ranked Play coming to Modern Warfare 3? | Every Warzone map available in MW3 Season 1 | Modern Warfare 3 War mode explained | Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Zones explained | How to get MGB Tactical Nuke Killstreak in Modern Warfare 3 | Modern Warfare 3 Cutthroat game mode explained | Every Modern Warfare 2 item carrying over to Modern Warfare 3

About The Author

Nikhil is a games writer who focuses on FPS titles like Call of Duty, Valorant, Counter-Strike and more. In his free time, you can find Nikhil setting a red carpet in Valorant. You can contact Nikhil at [email protected]