Warzone players call for “Classic” mode with only Modern Warfare weapons

Disgruntled Warzone players want to see the game incorporate a “Classic” mode that goes back to the game’s roots, using only CoD: Modern Warfare weapons.
The integration of Black Ops Cold War into Warzone really did change the game and its meta forever. Across Season 1 and Season 2, Warzone’s already stellar roster of guns received a massive boost and gave players a lot more options to choose from.
But these extras haven’t been to the delight of everyone, as some of them namely Cold War’s DMR, Diamattis, and MAC-10 have had a huge impact on Warzone. In response, some players are keen to see a mode that only makes use of the game’s original weapons.

It speaks volumes that most loadouts in Warzone Season 2 have featured either one or both of the FFAR and AUG.
Cold War and Warzone use different game engines, meaning that the guns don’t translate as well when they make the transition to a different game.
melon_b0y has alluded to this fact and is calling for Raven Software to accommodate frustrated CoD players.
He said, “Without the Cold War weapons, the game would flow a lot smoother and would bring back skill into gunfights, not just who shoots first. Not to mention that without the FFAR and AUG around to compete, the game mode would be more balanced.
I’m not saying completely remove Cold War weapons, but I think a mode without them would greatly improve the fun in Warzone and bring back some nostalgia as well.”
It’s an interesting concept that should definitely be considered. It certainly does feels like a lifetime ago that Warzone was only populated by Modern Warfare weapons and felt more balanced.
If this became a reality, you’d imagine that it would be supported by many players, and could result in players abandon the normal version of the game.
Image credits: Activision