New unlimited XP glitch is letting Cold War players rank up fast in Zombies

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has an insane glitch that allows players to rank up very fast with unlimited XP in Zombies.
Normally when Call of Duty Zombies has a glitch, it’s usually for the worst reasons as it inevitably leads to player deaths and games becoming unplayable.
Mauer der Toten’s lethal ziplines and random, deadly teleporting are two of the most recent examples of this kind of thing happening. The newest glitch, however, dispenses with negative effects and actually works in the player’s favor.
A new method has been found that allows players to earn unlimited XP in Cold War Zombies, allowing the player to level up insanely quickly.
How to rank up fast in Cold War Zombies with unlimited XP glitch

YouTuber Grrae is the person responsible for discovering this neat way of earning tons of CoD XP, and they detailed the steps required to use it.
To perform this unlimited XP glitch, players need to ensure that they attempt to do this on the Die Maschine map.
Grrae says you can do this one of three ways, but recommends the first way:
- Just using your basic Stamin-Up and Juggernog Perks
- Using Healing Aura, Stimshots, Stamin-Up, and Juggernog (not Quick Revive)
- Having Frenzied Guard equipped with just one armor plate, Stamin-Up, and Juggernog

Here are the full instructions to carry out this Cold War Zombies glitch:
- Begin a Solo game of Die Maschine
- Stamin-Up and Juggernog Perks need to be purchased
- You now need to train two sprinting Zombies together and bring them to the “Crash Site”
- This is the plane with the “Gallo SA12” on the side of it that you can buy
- It’s time to go prone by the left side of the plane so that your crosshairs are fixated on a juice box next to something resembling a white plate
- Wait for the Zombies to start hitting you, then stand up and go prone whilst pushing forward on your controller stick or keyboard
- If done correctly, you’ll fall through the map slightly, and you’ll now need to run to a spot that lets you drop down into a room – before the path & door to the underground labs
- Jump up a couple of ledges and make your way over to the pipe that lets you drop down into the tunnel – do not open the door to the tunnel or this won’t work
- Simply turn on the power, Pack-A-Punch, and buy Perks as normal
- You now need to keep playing until you can create the D.I.E Shockwave Wonder Weapon – check out our full guide here on how to make it
- Turn it into the gas variant by sucking up the ‘Empty Canister’ in the upstairs area of Mezzanine, just out of reach on the other side of some debris
- Go to the ‘Weapons Lab’, insert the canister, and kill Plaguehounds to fill up the canister with gas
- Take it once it’s full, make your way to “Crash Site,” and find the ‘Weapon Crate’ beside a wooden fence near the Gallo SA12 wall weapon
- Place the canister, melee the canister, and press to switch to the “D.I.E Nova-5”
- Head to the “Control Room” and stand behind the doorway heading into one of the rooms, which we’ll show you below, as this allows Zombies to come out of the same spot and freezes Megatons completely
- Your Shockwave will keep repleneshing its ammo from all the Zombies killed, but be wary of Plaguehounds as they will still behave normally
- Once you’ve done it enough times and the process becomes second nature, you can pretty much do this for as long as you want, and earn infinite XP in doing it!

Even though there are quite a few steps, the general concept is quite straightforward and with a bit of practice, should be easy to pull off.
If you’d like a visual reference for certain parts of the glitch method then we have the full video from Grrae right here.
It can take a very long time if you have any goals of reaching the game’s level cap, and this is a quick and easy solution to boost your rank and unlock some attachments or maybe Prestige Emblems.
Also, check out how to play the Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha.
Image Credit: Activision / Treyarch