Battlefield 2042 is reportedly using Apex Legends and Fortnite’s anti-cheat

Liam Mackay
Battlefield 2042 has apex legends anti cheat

Battlefield 2042’s Technical Playtest is now out in the wild, and even though under NDA, details have begun to leak. With hackers being a constant worry, notable industry insider Tom Henderson has revealed that Battlefield 2042 will feature the same anti-cheat as Fortnite and Apex Legends.

With hackers running rampant in Call of Duty: Warzone, anti-cheat has been a major discussion topic amongst the FPS community. Warzone’s developers will soon be giving a major update on their anti-cheat, but the Battlefield community is concerned that 2042 will suffer from the same issues.

Even though Battlefield 2042 is still months out from release, a cheat site was already offering hacks for the game. But, DICE appears to be ready, already using the same anti-cheat that Fortnite and Apex Legends use.

Battlefield 2042 anti cheat

Unfortunately, there will always be players trying to cheat in the biggest multiplayer games – particularly the free ones. Activision has its own internal anti-cheat, and games like Apex Legends and Fortnite use a third-party service, Easy Anti-Cheat.

Battlefield’s Technical Playtest is now live, and although players are under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to not reveal any details, there’s still an outpour of leaks.

Many have come from Tom Henderson, a known industry insider who accurately reported a ton of information about Battlefield 2042 ahead of its official reveal.

On August 11, 2021, Henderson said, “Even the Battlefield 2042 Technical Play Test has visible anti cheat.” He then confirmed that 2042 “is using Easy Anticheat.”

Of course, no service is perfect, and hackers will always make their way through, but Easy Anti-cheat is highly regarded. YouTube streamer CouRage discussed this last year when comparing Fortnite to Warzone.

“I have I have 12,000 games played of Fortnite across 3 years… I’ve died to cheaters 3 times,” he tweeted in July 2020. “I’ve played Warzone for 4 hours today… I’ve died to cheaters 6 times.”

It’s well documented that the higher levels of Ranked Apex Legends suffer from cheaters, but it’s a far cry from Warzone’s situation that’s driven away top creators such as NICKMERCS.

But another factor that could reduce cheaters in Battlefield is that it’s not free-to-play. Warzone devs have banned over 650,000 accounts, but they keep coming back because the game’s free. With a paid game like Battlefield, an account ban is a greater risk.

The effectiveness of Battlefield 2042’s anti-cheat will remain to be seen, with September’s Open Beta likely being the first true test.

Image Credit: DICE / Respawn Entertainment