Baldur’s Gate 3 fans call Oathbreaker Knight ‘John Wick’ after player interaction with Scratch

Emily Stander
The Baldur's Gate 3 Oathbreaker Knight

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has discovered an interaction with the Oathbreaker Knight and Scratch that has led other fans to calling the Knight the ‘John Wick’ of the game. 

Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you multiple companions to travel with through the course of the story. One of these (arguably the most popular) is Scratch the dog. While he is not a companion in the usual sense of the word, players can summon him into battle once they find him. Otherwise, he stays in your camp and finds things for you. 

It is not only companions that can join you in your camp, however. There are multiple story choices which allow you to invite NPC’s from all kinds of backgrounds to join you in your camp, and they color the story a little differently depending on what you have chosen. 

One of these NPC’s needs a very specific chain of events to appear: The Oathbreaker Knight. If you are playing as a Paladin, and you break your oath, the Oathbreaker Knight will appear in your camp. 

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovered that, besides the main reason the Oathbreaker Knight appears in your camp, he can join the fight against you if you hurt Scratch. 

“So because of some of the choices [my brother] made, I met a sympathetic guy named the ‘Oathbreaker Knight’ and lost my oath. I meet the dude at camp, we talk a bit and then we do a long rest,” the OP, ‘Shineishi’, said.

“Next day, Scratch appears in camp. My brother thinks it would be funny to push him while I pet the good boi. He triggers a fight. But what we didn’t know was that Oathbreaker Knight would join the fight with Scratch AGAINST us,” they continued. 

The story hit a positive note with fans, who took to the comments to affectionately dubbing the Oathbreaker Knight as the John Wick of Baldur’s Gate 3. Comments ranged from “Oathbreaker Knight kills Scratch harmers. Everyone approves,” to “Oathbreaker Knight went John Wick on your a***s.”

It proved to be another discovery in the storytelling of Baldur’s Gate 3 that hit the right note with players. Even if you break your oath as a Paladin, beware that you absolutely cannot break any of Scratch’s bones. 

For more on Baldur’s Gate 3, read about players confessing their worst sins and the best class tier list.