Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal “odd” NPCs they’re weirdly attached to

Emily Stander
Dammon in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has too many NPCs to count, and some have stayed in the memories of players more than others. From those you can summon to fight alongside you to friendly traders in the Underdark, players have shared the NPCs they’re most attached to.

There are a range of NPCs in Baldur’s Gate 3 that are intricately tied to the story, and their journeys can be influenced by your choices just as much as your party’s are. 

While you might expect someone like Scratch to be a favorite, fans actually had a lot to say about characters like Dammon, Omeluum, and Blorg when speaking of NPCs who made an impact in their playthrough.  

In a post on Reddit titled “NPCs you’re oddly attached to,” players shared who they loved most when they ran into them in Faerun. 

“I like rogue mindflayer characters as a rule but the Emp is such a d**k that I can’t find that in him. Omeluum is there to pick up his slack by not being a nasty manipulative d**k to you and just generally being a curious and friendly guy,” one player explained. 

Another Baldur’s Gate 3 NPC who was mentioned frequently was Dammon, the Tiefling Blacksmith who helps you fix Karlach’s Infernal Engine. As another player said, “I love Dammon. He helps me kiss my girlfriend.” 

Overall the NPCs who were mentioned most were traders you come across. Dammon, Blorg, and even the Dragonbron who wants you to buy a spear. Interestingly enough, though, it seemed that Rolan was the one who took the cake for most players, including the OP. 

Rolan’s story throughout the game hit an emotional note with players, and they expressed admiration for him, as he starts off as an apprentice and ends up becoming a powerful wizard in charge of Sorcerous Sundries. “I’m proud of my sparkly lights boy,” the OP said. 

If you want to know more about the wonderful NPCs of Baldur’s Gate 3, you can check out this Gauntlet of Shar interaction that’s the stuff of nightmares or how to get the OP monster from the Iron Flask.