Apex Legends replaces Second Chance for Armor Regen due to bugs

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends armour regen

Apex Legend’s new mini-event War Games went live yesterday. However, the first mode Second Chance was soon replaced after it introduced a host of bugs.

Upon the release of the Apex Legends War Games event, it seems the first mode wasn’t quite ready for players after it introduced a progression bug.

Players were noticing that kills and assists weren’t adding up after the game was ending, which the developers addressed on Twitter saying, “A bug with the Second Chance takeover in @PlayApex has prevented some stats from updating correctly,” leading them to replace it with Armor Regen.

Armour Regen prize tracker

War Games mode Armor Regen is simple, if you are out of action for a short amount of time, your shield will regenerate – like Wattson but much faster. Players will still have to be careful though, as if your shield fully breaks, it will take much longer to regenerate.

This leads to exciting fights, where characters with mobility like Pathfinder, Octane, and Horizon will excel, allowing them to get in and out of fights and regen their armor.

This update will allow players to make progress on the prize tracker for the Apex Legends event, which was bugged during the Second Chance mode.

The prize tracker features epic Rampart and 30-30 Repeater skins and can be completed by simply playing the game and completing event challenges. You can view the prize tracker underneath the War Games event challenges on the left side of the Apex Legends lobby screen.

Apex developers Respawn Entertainment addressed the situation quickly, adjusting the War Games schedule to replace Second Chance with the Armor Regen takeover. Armor Regen will now take its place in the schedule, lasting until Thursday, April 15th.

The next mode on the schedule is Ultra Zones! For more on Apex Legends event War Games and the upcoming Season 9 content, stay tuned on Charlie Intel.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment