The Finals dev responds to backlash over “OP” aim assist

Lucas Simons
The Finals Aim Assist

Embark Studios’ devs have heard the community’s complaints about aim assist favoring console players too much and have provided a response to several threads discussing the issue.

The Finals is taking the gaming world by the horns, and as with any new game, there are bound to be bugs, issues, and balancing to provide. When the concerned Finals community complained about aim assist being too powerful for console players, the Embark Studios devs responded.

Recently, several concerned players have taken to The Finals subreddit to protest against the power of aim assist. One player then took things to Embark Studios’ Discord, receiving a response on behalf of the devs.

The post below was posted by Reddit user ‘tinyboobie’ where the OP showcased a conversation on The Finals Discord where they tagged the mods calling for a response to the aim assist discussions on Reddit.

“Hello, do you guys monitor the subreddit for feedback? I just want to know if anything posted there ever gets seen by the devs.” They stated, and then added: “Currently, aim assist is being discussed heavily on there, and was wondering if the devs are aware?”

The OP also followed up with certain statistics about The Finals aim assist with controllers. They received a response from the devs, which promptly closed the thread, and offered some explanations.

According to an Embark Discord, moderator, the team “does not monitor the subreddit,” and only receives feedback through the Discord channel. More importantly, regarding aim assist, they stated that “the team is well aware of the community sentiment” and that they’ve “noted down” the many suggestions and feedback from the fans.

It seems that The Finals devs are aware of the aim assist backlash. In the event that they decide to address these issues with in-game changes, we will let you know of any updates.

In the meantime, you can take a look at this Light Build to speed up your game, or here’s a guide in case you want to learn how to Bunny Hop and Slide in The Finals.

About The Author

Lucas is a Games Writer for CharlieIntel, specializing in covering Pokemon, including Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Pokemon Go, and Pokemon TCG. A former Game Reviewer and PR Liaison for HD Tecnologia (ARG), Lucas is also an Audiovisual Media Producer, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, and author, having published several books including Press Start, a guide to video game writing and world building. You can contact him at [email protected].