Pokemon TCG: How to get Pikachu with Felt Hat special Van Gogh card

The Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam has partnered with The Pokemon Company for a special TCG collab that brings all the surrealism of the famous artist to the world of Pokemon. The unique Pikachu with Felt Hat card has caused quite the buzz, so here’s how to get it.
The Pokemon TCG and Van Gogh Museum collaboration is in full swing, and a lot of things have happened since the event started. A swarm of scalpers flooded the museum to get their hands on the merchandise, and many concerned Pokemon trainers reported attempts of theft, scams, and even fights over the prized collection products.
Regardless of the ruckus generated by the art resellers, the collection is still available to be purchased from online stores. So trainers may still be wondering, how to get a Pikachu with Felt Hat Van Gogh Museum card.
Here’s what you need to know to get this special Pikachu with a Felt Hat card for your collection.
How to get Pikachu with Felt Hat special Pokemon TCG card
Previously there were multiple methods to getting the Pikachu with Felt Hat Pokemon TCG card that included visiting the Van Gogh Museum, but after controversy involving a riot and scalpers took place, players can no longer find the rare card at the museum due to safety concerns.
Here’s how to get a Pikachu with a Felt Hat Pokemon TCG card:
- Purchase the Pikachu with a Felt Hat Pokemon TCG card from the Pokemon Center Store. The collection is also available to be purchased online. The same promotional card will be given to those who purchase the collection products.
While the collection including the Pikachu card has been available at the online Pokemon Center website, each drop so far has had limited supplies and they sold out in under an hour. As of October 18, a drop is not active, after the previous drop that started on October 17 sold out immediately.
While those in Amsterdam have lost the chance to purchase the card from the museum, it seems that certain retailers in the region will be selling the card at the start of 2024.
Luckily, The Pokemon Company revealed that they will continue to provide opportunities to get the card online, so stay tuned for additional restocks.
Pokemon & Van Gogh Museum TCG collaboration end date

The Pokemon TCG and Van Gogh Museum collaboration will be on display from September 28, 2023, to January 7, 2024.
While the Pikachu card is no longer available at the museum, there will be plenty of chances for you to participate in the event and visit the collaborative works of art.
As mentioned above, The Pokemon Company have already replenished supplies for certain items online and may do so again before the promo comes to a close on January 7, 2024.
That’s all you need to know to get the Pikachu with Felt Hat special Van Gogh Museum card. If you found this information useful, you can also check out the following guides for more Pokemon tips and info:
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