Pokemon Go players sick of “ridiculous” grind for Legendary XL Candy

Powering up Legendaries in Pokemon Go requires XL Candy but players are sick of the “frustrating” grind to get even one of these rare resources.
To become a top trainer in Pokemon Go, you will need to make your Pokemon stronger and win loads of PvP and PvE battles. But your teams can dominate only if they have been powered up to high levels, which requires the rare and elusive XL Candy.
While getting them is not too difficult for regular species, it is a nightmare for Legendaries. So, when a Reddit user named ‘chocobomog’ showed their low haul of 70 XL Candies after walking their Zygarde for more than 1000km, everyone was shocked.
A user commented: “Walking legendaries and mythicals is just so frustrating and demotivating. The last three times in a row I hit this point walking my Solgaleo I did not get an XL candy” and added that the entire process is “ridiculous.”
While the OP managed 70 XLs for 1000km, another had it even worse with only six XLs for a whopping 1400km. You should note that Legendary Buddies earn one regular Candy on walking 20km in Pokemon Go, with a chance at also getting an XL.
Another trainer mentioned that “the whole buddy system is tedious to a fault” as others agreed that there’s a “0% chance” of maxing out a legendary by walking it as a Buddy as the XL drops are extremely low.
Some fans stated that taking on 5-Star Raids and spending XL Rare Candy earned from Research or leveling up are the way to go, otherwise spending money in the game is “realistic to get them to level 50.”
If you’re trying to grab some XL Rare Candies, battle the Legendaries in the current 5-Star Raids of Pokemon Go. Also, be sure to check out how the Party Play feature can help you win Raids more easily.