Pokemon Go players call for changes to “frustrating” Party Play after successful Sinnoh Tour

Nearly six months after its addition to Pokemon Go, Party Play still gets a lukewarm response from players, who are demanding a much-needed change to the feature after how well the Sinnoh Tour panned out.
Routes and Party Play were among the biggest features added to Pokemon Go in 2023, and players are constantly grinding them to catch the elusive Zygarde and take on challenging Raid battles.
While the former lets you collect the rare Zygarde Cells and many find it not worth the effort, Party Play is simpler. It allows you to see your in-game friends in your game map, do boosted damage to Raid bosses, and catch Pokemon together.
But, the community is eager for an upgrade to this feature, as Reddit user ‘ShadowMoses05’ wrote, “Niantic needs to extend party play timer for every event” in a post where they also added that the devs can easily get this done since they increased the time during Sinnoh Tour 2024.
Users commented: “I really like how they made it 8 hours during the Sinnoh Tour, they should honestly just keep it that long” and “Or they could just let us extend the party timer ourselves.”
The OP added, “It was really frustrating doing the raids today and getting the ‘party will end soon’ message and then asking everyone else to wait while you regroup.”
Others agreed to this as such an update would ensure there are no more unfinished tasks when a certain Party Play session is done.
More trainers chimed in with their suggestions on how this Pokemon Go feature can be improved, as one called for a “we’re all still here, add 1-hour button.”
Another added, “Also the tasks are difficult/long enough that we would sometimes have to abandon the task and regroup, so annoying,” as many stated that even the Party Play rewards are not worth it.
It looks like the Party Play feature is in line for some updates that would help it become more popular with fans.
While you await changes to Party Play, check out a list of currently active codes to add in-game friends and also, have a look at the evolutions you can easily get by trading in Pokemon Go.