Mini Map to be enabled (without enemy fire) in Modern Warfare PS4 Beta Day 3

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has announced in their Modern Warfare Early Access Beta Day 2 Recap that they will be investigating the addition of the mini map to the game.

Fans have been outraged over the lack of no mini map, with almost every official Call of Duty tweet getting spammed with bring the mini map back.

Infinity Ward has now stated that they will be adding in the mini map back on Day 3 of the PS4 Beta, but it will not display enemy fire as they continue to test out the changes they are making.

As we mentioned yesterday, we are still experimenting with the mini map, so tomorrow, the mini map will be turned on but will not display enemy fire.

Fans do want the entire original mini map experience for the game, but this is a step in the right direction as the studio investigates other solutions for this.

As always, we will keep you updated.