GTA 6 players want Rockstar to bring back one thing from Grand Theft Auto 4

Hamza Khalid
Niko in GTA 4

As the Grand Theft Auto community eagerly awaits more details about GTA 6’s content, fans have revealed one feature from GTA 4 they’d like to see in the upcoming title.

Ever since Rockstar Games officially confirmed that development for GTA 6 is underway, players have been eagerly anticipating details about the game, including its cast and total runtime.

While the developers haven’t revealed how the gameplay will differ from GTA 5, many in the Grand Theft Auto community are hoping to see mechanics and physics similar to those in GTA 4.

GTA 4 used an animation engine known as Euphoria Physics which made the AI of the game feel more natural. The ragdoll would adjust to the environment, NPCs would react to being shot at different parts of their bodies, and you would see more detailed animations overall.

GTA 5 did not implement this same engine, so the game is less realistic but faster-paced and chaotic. While this is also fun in its own right, players feel that the physics of the game feel toned down as a result.

Reddit user ‘Newtonhog’ stated in the GTA 6 subreddit that they would like to see Rockstar take inspiration from GTA 4 and implement Euphoria Physics in the upcoming sixth entry of their popular open-world video game series.

Many of the users in the thread shared this sentiment as well, with many hoping that GTA 6 will feature the same level of detail and realism that was present throughout the gameplay of GTA 4.

One of the commenters stated: “I just hope they bring back that glorious bullet effects on NPCs! Blasting people with a shotgun was one of the best things ever. GTA 5 shooting was so flat and boring.”

byu/Newtonhog from discussion

While the Euphoria Physics engine wasn’t used in the making of GTA 5, Rockstar did utilize it for the design of Red Dead Redemption 2. As a result, that game is heavily praised for its level of detail.

Players are able to shoot off enemy limbs, watch their targets react to being shots at different parts of their bodies, the ragdoll physics feel realistic, and the combat features very detailed animations. One player considered GTA 5 a “downgrade” compared to RDR 2 and GTA 4.

byu/Newtonhog from discussion

Since this engine was brought back for Red Dead Redemption 2, players have hope that Rockstar Games will use it in the design of GTA 6. Only time will tell if that ends up being the case.

For more GTA content, check out this leak revealing a new location for GTA Online along with the GTA 6 map size as well as the location of the quarry in GTA 5.

Image credits: Rockstar Games