No Rest for the Wicked: How to increase inventory capacity

Increasing your inventory space in No Rest for the Wicked is not an easy task, but it will help you carry more items in the endgame. Take a look at how to expand your inventory capacity in No Rest for the Wicked.
No Rest for the Wicked features multiple items and tools that players can only carry in their inventory. In the early game, there are no space problems, but as you approach the end, the task of selecting which item to carry can be difficult if you don’t upgrade your inventory.
So, here’s everything you need to know about how to increase your inventory capacity in No Rest for the Wicked.
How to increase your inventory size in No Rest for the Wicked
To increase the size of your inventory in No Rest for the Wicked, you’ll need to find the Plague Ichor item and take it to The Watcher. This Merchant is located on the top of the Rookery in Sacrament City.
This way, you can unlock one of the eight inventory upgrades available in No Rest for the Wicked, but where can you get the Plague Ichor?
How to get Plague Ichors in No Rest for the Wicked
The Plague Ichor is one of the most difficult items to obtain in No Res for the Wicked since to acquire it, you must defeat some of the strongest enemies in the game, such as Warrick the Torn.
Once you defeat Warrick the Torn, he will drop a Plague Ichor, and when you bring it to The Watcher, you’ll unlock a new slot in your inventory.
But Warrick isn’t the only one who drops Plague Ichor in No Rest for the Wicked. Take a look at the list of all the enemies that drop Plague Ichors in No Rest for the Wicked:
- Defeating Major Bosses
- Defeating Weekly bounty Mini-Bosses
- Defeating Open-World Mini-Bosses
So now you know, that’s how you can increase your inventory capacity in No Rest for the Wicked. For more on the game, check out our related guides.
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