How to complete The Shadow of His Wings in WoW Dragonflight: Quest guide

The Shadow of His Wings is a side quest that you will come across in WoW, so here’s how you can complete this quest and earn all the rewards associated with it.
In WoW, you will come across The Shadow of His Wings side quest when you reach the Waking Shores, which also happens to be one of the starting areas in the Dragon Isles.
Given that it isn’t part of the main storyline, it’s okay if you choose to skip it. However, the quest is associated with the Sojourner of the Waking Shores achievement, so if you want the achievement, you’ll have to complete it.
So here’s where you can start The Shadow of His Wings side quest in WoW and how to complete it.
How to complete The Shadow of His Wings in WoW
To complete The Shadow of His Wings quest in World of Warcraft, you need to make your way to a cave near Ayasanth, and face Cygenoth the Corrupted.
While the fight is straightforward, it can be slightly challenging if your character is squishy or if you don’t have any healing abilities.
When encountering Cygenoth, you only need to silence him or interrupt his skill casts and then start attacking him.
It’s also worth noting that when you enter the cave, you’ll notice an Arcane Orb on the right wall. If you click on it, you will receive a 5% bonus to all your stats, but you’ll lose 10% of your maximum health.
Although it’s a hefty trade-off, being able to deal extra damage will just help you get through the fight quickly.

Once you’ve defeated Cygenoth the Corrupted, make your way to the Smoldering Perch again and talk to Ayasath to turn in the quest in exchange for XP and consumable rewards.
Unfortunately, since this is a side quest, you won’t be able to start it unless you’ve interacted with the NPC who hands out the quest. So here’s how you can start the quest in World of Warcraft.
Where to start The Shadow of His Wings quest in WoW
To start The Shadow of His Wings side quest in WoW, you must make your way to Smoldering Perch, interact with Ingot, and pick up the quest from them.
When you do so, you will receive two quests, namely:
- A Cultist’s Misgivings
- Punching Up
To complete the Cultist’s Misgivings, you need to travel to the west and locate Ayasanth. You’ll find him locked inside a cage, and you’ll receive yet another quest known as Under Lock and Key.
You can complete both Punching up and Under Lock and Key simultaneously. For the former, you will need to kill 12 Worldbreaker Dragonkin, and for the latter, you need to find the Worldbreaker Cell key.
After you free Ayasanth from his cell, he’ll give you The Shadow of His Wings quest in WoW, and you will finally be able to start it.
That sums up everything we have for you about The Shadow of His Wings quest in World of Warcraft. For more information on some of the biggest games this year, be sure to check out:
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