Fortnite players expertly troll opponents with Michael Myers Halloween skin

The Halloween season has landed in Fortnite, bringing along plenty of spooky content for players to explore. One standout addition is the popular Michael Myers, whom players are expertly using to troll opponents and prompt some laughter in the game.
Fortnite’s Chapter 4 Season 4 is well underway following the 26.30 update which introduced the Fortnitemares Halloween event for everyone to partake in. Epic have also incorporated a variety of themed quests, as well as fresh weapons and game modes for players to experiment with.
Further, players can acquire new skins featuring iconic characters like Jack Skellington. Nonetheless, the most significant addition is the arrival of the Halloween series’ antagonist, Michael Myers, who has made his way to the island as part of the Fortnitemares 2023 event.
Following the spooky season, players have found new entertainment in addition to winning matches and completing challenges – trolling other players using the Michael Myers skin.
In a Reddit post, user widelion255 shared a video showing off a unique approach to engaging with an opponent in a game. In the video, the user employs an emote to taunt their adversary before launching a melee attack, reminiscent of the iconic Michael Myers style.
“Running straight to the item shop,” shared a user below, and another player added: “Was an instant purchase. I don’t often buy skins, but made an exception for Michael.” Apart from serving as a renowned figure from a well-loved film series, Myers’ character enables Fortnite players to execute eerie and thrilling maneuvers.
“In love with this set. The skin, the knife and it’s sounds, the emote playing the theme song omg. Get a bounty and hunt them down playing that emote inside a building near them. Even if you end up dying, it’s worth the laughs,” another user summed up the Michael Myers experience in the game.
Undoubtedly, the Myers skin stands out as the top choice for trolling enemies with the classic surprise tactic, especially during the Halloween season, just like Ghostface and other characters are known for.
For more on Fortnite, be sure to check out how in-game teasers confirm Chapter 1 map’s return or every NPC location in Chapter 4 Season 4.