FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Squad Battles: Format, ranks, rewards & tips

Nathan Warby
FIFA 22 Squad Battles

Squad Battles is FIFA 22 Ultimate Team’s way of earning Weekly Rewards, without having to face the perils of online competitive play. Here’s a breakdown of how the mode works, its ranks and rewards, and some tips on how to succeed.

If you’re not in the mood from the occasionally sweaty worlds of Division Rivals and FUT Champions, then Squad Battles is the mode for you.

In FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, playing offline is also a valuable way of earning packs without having to face a real-life player.

Here’s everything you need to know about Squad Battles in FIFA 22, from the ranks and rewards to some priceless hints and tips.

FIFA 22 Squad Battles format

Salah shooting in FIFA 22

Squad Battles pits players against a series of randomly selected teams owned by real FUT user, but controlled in-game by the AI.

Each match earns the player a varying number of points, depending on factors like the result, difficulty, goals scored, clean sheets, and cards.

The number of points accumulated each affects the rank awarded after the Sunday cut-off point.

However, the catch is that you’re limited to just 40 games in a week, broken down into sections of four.

Squad Battle ranks in FIFA 22

Each selection of four squads tends to vary from low-rated teams with next to no chemistry, up to super-squads on 100 chemistry.

On the bright side, if an opponent looks too tough, you can refresh the games to get a new choice of squads.

Doing this permanently removes any unplayed teams, and still eats into the 40 games available in a week.

FIFA 22 Squad Battle ranks and rewards

Squad Battle rewards

The ranks in Squad Battles start with Bronze 3, moving up through to Elite 1 before the top-200 are also given a unique rank. EA drops rewards every Sunday at 12.05 AM PT / 3.05 AM ET / 9.05 AM BST.

Every week, the number of points required to reach each rank varies depending on how many players have taken part in Squad Battles that week.

For example, because the ranks are ever-changing, if on Thursday you are Gold 3, by the time rewards are released you may have slipped down into SIlver 1 or 2.

Check out the full breakdown of FIFA 22 Squad Battle Ranks below:

  • Bronze 3
    • 1 x Premium Loan Player Reward Pack
  • Bronze 2
    • 1 x Gold Pack
  • Bronze 1
    • 800 coins
    • 2 x Gold Pack
  • Silver 3
    • 1,500 coins
    • 1 x Premium Gold Pack
    • 1 x Gold Pack
  • Silver 2
    • 4,000 coins
    • 2 x Premium Gold Pack
    • 1 x Gold Pack
  • Silver 1
    • 7,000 coins
    • 2 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
  • Gold 3
    • 10,000 coins
    • 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
    • 1 x Prime Mixed Players Pack
  • Gold 2
    • 11,000 coins
    • 1 x Prime Mixed Players Pack
    • 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
  • Gold 1
    • 11,000 coins
    • 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
    • 1 x Prime Mixed Players Pack
    • 1 x Jumbo Premium Gold Pack
  • Elite 3
    • 12,000 coins
    • 1 x Mega Pack
    • 2 x Premium Gold Players Pack
  • Elite 2
    • 15,000 coins
    • 2 x Mega Pack
    • 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack
  • EIite 1
    • 30,000 coins
    • 2 x Rare Mega Pack
  • Rank 200 – 101
    • 65,000
    • 1 x Rare Players Pack
    • 2 x Mega Pack
  • Rank 100 – 41
    • 65,000
    • 1 x Jumbo Rare Players Pack
    • 2 x Mega Pack
  • Rank 40 – 21
    • 75,000 coins
    • 1 x Jumbo Rare Player Pack
    • 2 x Rare Player Pack
  • Rank 20 – 2
    • 87,500 coins
    • 1 x Ultimate Pack
    • 2 x Rare Players Pack
  • Rank 1
    • 100,000 coins
    • 2 x Ultimate Pack
    • 2 x Rare Mega Pack

FIFA 22 Squad Battles tips

Squad Battles in FIFA 22

Squad Battles is different beasts compared to the online player, so it can sometimes be hard to adapt to playing against the AI.

With this in mind, we’ve together some hints and tips to help you climb the Squad Battles ranks.

Patient passing

Where online players tend to drag their players out of position, Squad Battles stick far more rigidly to their formations.

Especially on high difficulties, it can be difficult to fashion openings in the defense as the opposing team happily sits on the edge of the box.

While this can get frustrating, we recommended taking your time with your passing and not forcing the issue. The gaps will appear eventually.

Counter attack

While it’s true that Squad Battles will sit back at 0-0 or when they’re winning, they also love to throw men forward as soon as they go behind.

With this in mind, if you do take the lead, make sure you have a tactical setup that favors counter-attacking.

By looking to hit your opponent on the break, you’ll find yourself with much more space to find that killer pass.

Chelsea players

Don’t be afraid to skip tough teams

If you’re not looking to push for the Elite ranks and just want to bag some extra packs, don’t feel obliged to play every team that EA conjures up for you.

Some of the squads can get very difficult, especially when they are on full chemistry and packed with high-rated players.

Make life easier for yourself by only playing the two easier-looking teams, then refreshing the menu to get another selection.

Adjust the difficulty

The amount of points awarded for winning on different difficulties varies greatly – but in any setting, a loss provides next to none.

If you’re taking on a strong team, or just aren’t playing well yourself, there’s no shame in dropping the challenge down to make sure you secure the win.

That was everything you need to know about Squad Battles in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team.

For more on FIFA 22, check out our calendar of every promotion in this year’s game, as well as the latest Team of the Week.

Image credits: EA