How to get Gurgling Head in Diablo 4

If you want to take on Echo of Varshan in Diablo 4, you must gather a bunch of Malignant Body Parts, and the Gurgling Head is one of them. So, here’s how to get Gurgling Head in Diablo 4 Season 3.
Taking on the Uber bosses like Echo of Varshan in Diablo 4 Season 3 is one of the most important aspects of the endgame experience. However, you will have to gather a certain Malignant Body Parts like Gurgling Head to summon him.
On that note, here’s how to get Gurgling Head in Diablo 4.
How to farm Gurgling Head in Diablo 4
The best way to farm Gurgling Head in Diablo 4 is by completing Grim Favors from the Tree of Whispers in World Tier 4. However, there are several other ways through which you can farm this item in the game.
Aside from completing Whisper bounties, slaying Grotesque Debtors is yet another great way of farming Gurgling Head in Diablo 4. In Season 2, these enemies were available during Blood Harvest. However, in Season 3, you will have to find them randomly during exploration or in Legion Events.
Alternatively, if you do not feel like exploring much but have some Malignant Hearts to spare, you can simply head over to the Alchemist and cook up Gurgling Head yourself.
Here’s the recipe to make Gurgling Head in Diablo 4:
- 1 x Malignant Heart
- 4x Abstruse Sigils
- 15x Veiled Crystal
How to use Gurgling Head in Diablo 4
Gurgling Head is needed to summon Echo of Varshan in Diablo 4, alongside the Malignant Heart, Blackened Femur, and Trembling Hand. Once you have all these items, head over to the Writhing Mire area in Hawezar, and enter the Malignant Burrow to summon the Uber boss and fight it.
Once you have defeated it, you must have received Mucus-Slick Eggs, items necessary for summoning Uber Duriel in Diablo 4. And that was everything you had to know about getting Gurgling Head in Diablo 4.
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