Best Diablo 4 Druid builds in Season 4: Leveling, endgame & PvP

Aakrit Sharma
Druid during class select screen in Diablo 4

Druids in Diablo 4 Season 4 are your best option when raiding Nightmare Dungeons or the new Artificer’s Pit. If you’re interested in building a Druid class, here are the best options for leveling, endgame, and PvP.

Diablo 4 Druids aren’t exactly famous for being the best class out there. This is mostly because their mechanics can feel clunky while leveling and players won’t get to see their true potential until the endgame.

However, this class has become one of the favorites in Season 4 thanks to its ability to swipe the large demonic hordes of Sanctuary. Here are the best Druid builds in Diablo 4 Season 4.

Druid turned into a werebear in Diablo 4
Druids stand out in Diablo 4 because of their ability to change form.

Best Diablo 4 Season 4 Druid build for leveling up

The Lightning Storm Druid is the best build for leveling up in Diablo 4 Season 4. They can absorb damage while facing hordes and demons, and their caster skills manage to drop some crushing AoE skills.

Here’s a rundown of all the skills along with the priority in which you should unlock them:

Level Druid Skill
1Storm Strike
2Enhanced Storm Strike
3Lightning Storm
4Fierce Storm Strike
5Enhanced Lightning Storm
6Raging Lightning Storm
7Earthen Bulwark
8Enhanced Earthen Bulwark
9Preserving Earthen Bulwark
10Lightning Storm
11Lightning Storm
12Blood Howl
13Enhanced Blood Howl
14Innate Blood Howl
15Lightning Storm
16Lightning Storm
18Enhanced Rabies
19Natural Rabies
25Enhanced Trample
26Savage Trample
27Nature’s Reach
28Nature’s Reach
29Nature’s Reach
34Ursine Strength
35Ancestral Fortitude
36Ancestral Fortitude
37Ancestral Fortitude
41Predatory Instinct
42Predatory Instinct
43Predatory Instinct
47Digitigrade Gait
48Digitigrade Gait
49Digitigrade Gait
Renown skill point 1Clarity
Renown skill point 2Clarity
Renown skill point 3Clarity
Renown skill point 4Natural Fortitude
Renown skill point 5 Natural Fortitude
Renown skill point 6Natural Fortitude
Renown skill point 7Heightened Senses
Renown skill point 8Heightened Senses
Renown skill point 9Heightened Senses

Diablo 4 Lightning Storm Druid Boon selection

When you hit level 18 in Diablo 4, you will receive your class-based quest. Completing this quest will let you select a set of boons that can further improve the efficiency of your build.

Druid character in Diablo 4
You can turn into a werewolf or a werebear in Diablo 4.

The boons that you should select are as follows:

  • Deer: Wariness
  • Eagle: Avian Wrath
  • Wolf: Energize, Packleader
  • Snake: Overload

Best Legendary Aspects for Lightning Storm Druid in Diablo 4

There are many great Aspects in the Codex of Power for the Lightning Storm Druid in Diablo 4, but some will be crucial while leveling up your build. Here’s what they are and where to find them:

Legendary AspectLocationDescription
Shepherd’s AspectBloodsoaked Crag Dungeon (Dry Steppes)Core and Wrath Skills deal additional damage per Companion you have.
Overcharged AspectMariner’s Refuge Dungeon (Scosglen)Lucky Hit: Up to a 14% chance when dealing Lightning damage to overload the target for 3 seconds, causing any direct damage you deal to them to pulse 172 additional damage to surrounding enemies.
Aspect of Inner CalmRaethwind Wilds (Scosglen)Deal increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 5 seconds.
Wind Striker AspectShivta Ruins (Kehjistan)Critical Strikes grant Movement Speed for 1 second, up to 6 seconds.
Aspect of MightDark Ravine Dungeon (Dry Steppes)Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for 1,5 seconds.
Aspect of RetaliationSeaside Descent (Dry Steppes)Your Core Skills deal increased damage based on your amount of Fortify.
Aspect of the ProtectorLost Archives Dungeon (Fractured Peaks)Damaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to 4,826 damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 30 seconds.

Best Diablo 4 Season 4 Druid build for endgame

The best Diablo 4 Druid build for the endgame stages is the Werewolf Tornado Druid, which can easily escape any Crowd-Cotnrol skills, has high survivability, and can deal a massive amount of damage.

Here’s where you’ll need to reallocate your Skill and Renown points to get your Werewolf Tornado Druid in Diablo 4 Season 4.

  • Basic Skills
    • Storm Strike (1/5)
      • Enhanced Storm Strike
  • Core Skills
    • Heart of the Wild (1/3)
      • Wild Impulses (3/3)
    • Tornado (5/5)
      • Enhanced Tornado
      • Raging Tornado
    • Predatory Instinct (3/3)
      • Digitigrade Gait (3/3)
  • Defensive Skills
    • Ancestral Fortitude (1/3)
    • Vigilance (3/3)
  • Companion Skills
    • Wolves (1/5)
    • Poison Creeper (1/5)
    • Ravens (1/5)
      • Enhanced Ravens
      • Brutal Ravens
  • Wrath Skills
    • Trample (1/5)
      • Enhanced Trample
      • Savage Trample
    • Neurotoxin (1/3)
      • Envenom (3/3)
      • Toxic Claws (1/3)
  • Ultimate Skills
    • Petrify (1/1)
      • Prime Petrify
      • Supreme Petrify
    • Defiance (3/3)
      • Circle of Life (3/3)
      • Natural Disaster (3/3)
      • Resonance (3/3)
    • Quickshift (3/3)
      • Heightened Senses (3/3)
  • Key Passive
    • Bestial Rampage

Best Spirit boons for Werewolf Tornado Druid

Just like your leveling build, you will have access to four spirit boons for your endgame Druid in Diablo 4. Here are the ones that you need to use:

  • Deer: Wariness
  • Eagle: Iron Feather, Avian Wrath
  • Wolf: Bolster
  • Snake: Calm Before the Storm

Best Paragon Board for the Werewolf Tornado Druid build in Diablo 4

You can use your Paragon Points on the following nodes and Glyphs to make the strongest endgame Druid in Diablo 4:

Paragon Board for the DruidNodes Glyph
StartingPrime, Tenacity, Resolve, ImpelTerritorial
Heightened MaliceNature-Born, Sinking Fangs, Overturn, Toxic Bane, Poison ResilienceFang and Claw
Inner BeastTenacity, Determination, Shapeshifter, NimbleWerewolf
ThunderstruckHubris, Stormcaller, Deluge, Lightning ResilienceSpirit
Lust for CarnageFeralExploit
Ancestral GuidanceReclamation

Unique items to use with Werewolf Tornado build

While you don’t necessarily need to use Uniques in Diablo 4 with your builds, having them makes them function better. For the Werewolf Tornado Druid, you need to use the following items to get the most out of the build:

  • Tempest Roar (Helmet)
  • Wildheart Hunger (Boots)
  • Hunter’s Zenith (Ring)

Best Legendary Aspects for Werewolf Tornado Druid in Diablo 4

We recommend using the following Legendary Aspects to buff your Werewolf Tornado Druid in Diablo 4:

Legendary AspectLocationDescription
Juggernaut’s AspectDropped by Legendary Items.You gain 4826 Armor, but your Evade has 100% increased Cooldown.
Stormchaser’s AspectDropped by Legendary Items.Tornado will automatically seek enemies.
Vigorous AspectSteadfast Barracks (Hawezar)Gain 7% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.
Aspect of the Changeling’s DebtConclave Dungeon (Kehjistan)You deal 23% increased damage while hitting a Poisoned enemy as a Werebear or a Crowd-Controlled enemy as a Werewolf.
Wind Striker AspectShivta Ruins (Kehjistan)Critical Strikes grant 8% Movement Speed for 1 seconds, up to 6 seconds.
Aspect of the StampedeDropped by Legendary Items.Gain 1 additional Companion. In addition, your Companion Skills deal 14% bonus damage.
Shepherd’s AspectSeaside Descent (Dry Steppes)Your Core Skill deal up to 14% increased damage based on your amount of Fortify.

Best Diablo 4 Season 4 Druid build for PvP

In Season 4, your best bet for a PvE druid build is the Boulder Druid. It can be hard to get at first since it’s reliant on gear. However, when you finally have everything to build it, you’ll get an outstanding character with high mobility, great AoE and single-target damage, and one that can really take a punch.

Here’s where you should relocate your Skill and Renown points to build your Boulder Druid:

  • Basic Skills:
    • Storm Strike (1/5)
    • Enhanced Storm Strike
  • Core Skills:
    • Predatory Instincts (3/3)
      • Iron Fur (3/3)
    • Shred (1/5)
      • Enhanced Shred
      • Primal Shred
  • Companion Skills:
    • Wolves (1/5)
    • Ravens (1/5)
      • Enhanced Ravens
      • Brutal Ravens
    • Poison Creeper (1/5)
  • Wrath Skills:
    • Elemental Exposure (1/3)
      • Endless Tempest (3/3)
    • Hurricane (1/5)
      • Enhanced Hurricane
      • Savage Hurricane
    • Boulder (5/5)
      • Enhanced Boulder
      • Natural Boulder
    • Crushing Earth (3/3)
      • Stone Guard (3/3)
      • Safeguard (1/3)
    • Neurotoxin (1/3)
      • Envenom (3/3)
      • Toxic Claws (1/3)
  • Ultimate Skills:
    • Defiance (3/3)
      • Circle of Life (3/3)
      • Natural Disaster (2/3)
    • Quickshift (3/3)
      • Heightened Senses (3/3)
      • Natural Fortitude (1/3)
  • Key Passive:
    • Nature’s Fury (1/3)

Unique items to use with the Boulder Druid build

The Boulder Druid build in Diablo 4 heavily relies on Unique Items and Aspects. Here’s what you’ll need to get for your Diablo 4 PvE druid build:

  • Vasily’s Prayer
  • Dolmen Stone

Best Legendary Aspects for Boulder Druid in Diablo 4

Here are the Legendary Aspects you’ll need to farm to get your Boulder Druid on point for Diablo 4 Season 4 PvE:

Legendary AspectLocationDescription
Aspect of the Crowded SageDropped by Legendary gear.You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. Successful Dodges restore 4% of your Maximum Life.
Aspect of the Metamorphic StoneDropped by Legendary gear.Boulder is now a Core Skill and costs 40 Spirit to cast, dealing 88% of normal damage.
Symbiotic AspectDropped by Legendary gear.When the Nature’s Fury Key Passive triggers a free Skill, your non-Ultimate Cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by 2.0 seconds.
Aspect of MetamorphosisDropped by Legendary gear.When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds. Enemies along your path take 300 Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse. Evade’s Cooldown is increased by 10.5 seconds.
Aspect of Nature’s SavageryDropped by Legendary gear.Werewolf Skills function as Storm Skills and Werebear Skills function as Earth Skills for the Nature’s Fury Key Passive.
Starlight AspectDropped by Legendary gear.Gain 24 of your Primary Resource for every 20% of your Life that you Heal.
Shepherd’s AspectBloodsoaked Crag Dungeon (Dry Steppes)Core and Wrath Skills deal an additional 4.5% damage per Companion you have.

Best Druid attributes in Diablo 4

While building the best Druid in Diablo 4, you must focus on getting these attributes from gear and other sources:

  • Intelligence – Helps in generating Spirit and you can use core skills like Lightning Storm more often.
  • Willpower – Increases all skill damage and the healing you receive through potions, boosting attack and survivability at the same time.
Druids in diablo 4
Trampleslide Druids are one of the most tricky builds to get in Diablo 4.

While these are the core stats, your skills should provide attributes such as Vulnerable Damage, Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Core Skill Damage, as they are the main source of your damage.

Best Gems for the Druid in Diablo 4

Gems are added to your Diablo 4 gear, and here are the ones that work best with the Druid class:

  • For weapons use Royal Emerald to gain additional Critical Strike Damage against Vulnerable Enemies.
  • For Armor use Royal Ruby for bonus Maximum Life.
  • For Jewellery use Royal Sapphire for bonus Cold Resistance, Royal Emerald for bonus Poison Resistance, and Royal Amethysts for bonus Shadow Resistance.

That was everything you need to know about building the best Druid class in Diablo 4. For more content on the game, check out:

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