Diablo 4 players abandon Gauntlet over impossibly high Leaderboard scores

Emily Stander
Lillith in Diablo 4

The Gauntlet is a new endgame activity in Diablo 4 where players get to go through a fixed dungeon on a weekly basis. It has a Leaderboard, too, and fans have been shocked by what the top stats look like.

Diablo 4’s Gauntlet is meant to be more challenging than other activities, which means that players need to figure out the best builds to get through it. 

The Leaderboard showcases players who have the best Gauntlet scores for the week, and the players who maintain those scores will be put on the permanent Leaderboard called the Hall of Ancients.

Some players have had issues with the Leaderboards, but it remains that many Diablo 4 fans have jumped into the endless dungeon to immortalize themselves. 

One player, though, has managed to shock everyone with their Gauntlet scores. In a post titled “When you think 540k is great but then you look at 1st place,” ‘chinos88’ shared what the Rank 1 score on the Leaderboard looked like.

While the OP managed to get an impressive score as a Barbarian, the top Barbarian player on the Leaderboard got a score of almost one million. 

Other Diablo 4 players have found that these top scores for other classes are also near-unreachable. “Yea… remembering Sorc from the livestream/campfire, I thought my 205k was respectable… then saw the top Sorc is 1.15 MILLION score,” a player commented. 

The problem, though, is that these kinds of scores are keeping players from partaking in the Gauntlet and even installing the latest update at all. With scores like these to contend with, a lot of players feel they need to put in a lot more time than they realistically have to make it to the Hall of Ancients. 

“It’s why I had zero interest in this feature from the get go. Haven’t even installed the patch yet,” one player explained. “I’m a casual player and I like getting a geared out char every season, but hell no am I competing with no-lifers.”

Either way, the scores right now have impressed a lot of players, and it will be interesting to see how the Gauntlet evolves as it stays in the game for longer. 

If you want to read more about Diablo 4, you can check out why players think devs have learned nothing from Diablo 3 and how to complete the Keeping to Old Traditions quest.