Best Diablo 4 builds for Gauntlet in Season 3

Amitesh Dhar
Diablo 4 Lilith

The Gauntlet is a static dungeon in Diablo 4 and serves as one of the endgame activities where you can test out the efficiency of your builds. Here are the best builds that will help you achieve the highest scores in The Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

In Diablo 4, the best build is where all your abilities synergize beautifully with each other. Although building a synergy isn’t that important during the early stages of the game, when it comes to the endgame content in Diablo 4, without a proper build synergy you will start feeling the pressure.

From movement speed to damage output, you need to factor in everything when it comes to creating the perfect build in Diablo 4. The Gauntlet, however, is slightly different from all the other activities.

Here are the best builds for the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

Best Diablo 4 Gauntlet builds in Season 3

BuildMain SkillsUltimateUber Unique needed
Charge HoTA BarbarianCharge, Hammer of The AncientsWrath of the BerserkerHarlequin’s Crest, Tibault’s Will, The Grandfather
Ball Lightning SorcererBall LightningUnstable CurrentsHarlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
Bone Spear NecromancerBone SpearBone StormHarlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
(Both Ubers optional)
Barrage Rogue Barrage, PunctureHarlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
Penetrating Shot RoguePenetrating Shot, Rapid FireShadow Clone
Pulverize DruidPulverizeGrizzly RageHarlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will
Arc Lash SorcererArc LashUnstable CurrentsHarlequin Crest, Tibault’s Will

In Diablo 4’s Gauntlet, your main goal is to reach the highest score possible within eight minutes. The layout of the Dungeon, enemy and shrine locations, and chest spawns will remain the same for a week, before being reset.

The enemies that you face in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4 will be level 124, which is similar to what you will see in Level 70 Nightmare Dungeons.

When you’re making a build for this mode, you need to ensure that you strike a balance between the damage that you’re dealing and your movement speed.

With that in mind, here are a few builds that have the potential to do very well in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

Charge HoTA Barbarian

The Hammer of The Ancients Barbarian has been a go-to build for most players during the Season of the Construct due to the innumerable buffs that the character has received. This Barbarian build is capable of wiping out hoards of enemies instantly but suffers slightly because of a low movement speed.

If you can manage to balance your movement speed stat and the Shrine buffs within the Gauntlet in Diablo 4, this build can take you to the top of the Weekly Leaderboard effortlessly.

Ball Lightning Sorcerer

The Ball Lightning Sorcerer is probably one of the most popular builds in Diablo 4 ever since launch, and it has every potential of carrying its reputation into the Gauntlet as well. It’s worth noting that the Ball Lightning Sorcerer will never deal a huge chunk of damage in one single hit. I

nstead, it will deal a moderate amount of damage in a single hit, but it will deal multiple hits in a short span of time. If you can manage your mana efficiently, you will have a lot of fun playing with the Ball Lightning Sorcerer in the Gauntlet.

Bone Spear Necromancer

The Bone Spear Necromancer is a build that is capable of dealing a lot of damage at long range and practically never runs out of Essense, and does not rely on Uber Uniques. However, the build suffers due to the lack of movement speed.

If you can manage to sort that issue out, either by using the Wind Striker Aspect or by some affixes on your boots, then this build can be very rewarding in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

Barrage Rogue

Rogues were considered to be a weak class at the beginning of Season of the Construct following the Twisting Blades skill nerf. However, if you’re looking to play a hybrid build, then the Barrage Rogue is a build that you shouldn’t be sleeping on.

The Barrage skill is central to the entire build in Diablo 4. It allows you to deal a considerable amount of damage, while maintaining your distance from the groups of enemies. It’s a high-risk high-reward playstyle and it is definitely something that you should try out.

Penetrating Shot Rogue

Unlike most of the other builds on this list, you will need to position yourself properly if you’re planning on running the Penetrating Shot build in the Gauntlet in Diablo 4.

However, if you manage to get your position correct, you can obliterate groups of enemies in a single strike. It’s highly likely that the Penetrating Shot build will be one of the few Rogue builds on the Weekly Leaderboard in Diablo 4.

Pulverize Druid

The Pulverize Druid is a build that doesn’t excel until you’ve unlocked the entire skill tree and you’ve accessed the Paragon Boards.

You can deal a lot of AoE and Single Target damage while using this build. Interestingly enough, if you time your skills correctly, you will be Fortified and will be immune to crowd control effects for the most part.

Arc Lash Sorcerer

Just like the Penetrating Shot Rogue build, the Arc Lash Sorcerer is also a slightly advanced build. Now, considering that the mob density within the Gauntlet in Diablo 4 is high, you won’t have a difficult time shredding through them.

Just like the Ball Lightning Sorcerer, you won’t have a lot of damage through single hits, but you’ll be able to get multiple hits within a short span of time. This will help you reach those scary damage numbers required to obliterate anything that stands in your way.

That concludes the list of the best builds for the Gauntlet in Diablo 4. For now, these builds will dominate the Weekly Leaderboard in Diablo 4. However, as the days progress, players might figure out new builds that work better in the Dungeon.

It’s also worth remembering that the build is only one part of the puzzle in the Gauntlet. If you want to achieve a high score in the activity, you must plan out how you want to progress through the different rooms in the Dungeon.

For more information about the game, be sure to check out the following articles:

Best Diablo 4 Necromancer builds | Best Diablo 4 Barbarian builds | Best Diablo 4 Druid builds | Best Diablo 4 Sorcerer builds | Diablo 4 skill tree builder | Is Diablo 4 coming to Nintendo Switch | Is Diablo 4 playable on the Steam Deck | How to salvage gear in Diablo 4 | How to transmog gear in Diablo 4 | All Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith locations

About The Author

Amitesh started writing about video games in 2020. He previously worked at Sportskeeda, Gfinity, and Attack of the Fanboy before joining CharlieIntel in 2024. He's an avid fan of Destiny 2 and Diablo 4 and an expert on all things Fortnite. You can get in touch with him at [email protected].