Mark Rubin on Ghosts: ‘You can’t change the rules too much’

Keshav Bhat

Mark Rubin spoke with the Official PlayStation Magazine where he talked about Call of Duty: Ghosts. Rubin said that the next-gen consoles are giving them the tech they need to add some really cool features, however they can’t change too much about Call of Duty.

“Part of that is going to be a ‘wait and see’ obviously, I think. To be honest the first launch of next gen titles is sort of like that awkward first date you know it’s sort of not really sure where it is going to go. So you know, as a company in general, we don’t want to jump onto the tech bandwagon too early. We’re a little bit more conservative with that kind of thing. There is some cool new tech, but some of it we can’t talk about because we are not talking multiplayer yet”.

Rubin also said that some of the ideas and features they are working on won’t be able to part of Ghosts.

Rubin admits, “some of it we are looking at and might include in this version of the game, we may hold off on it until it has matured more for future titles”. Of the series in general he also added “I don’t think we have been hindered by tech”.

Mark Rubin compared Call of Duty to a sport, saying that you can’t change the rules of sport or the entire game will change. That’s the same for Call of Duty. You can’t change the basic feel of Call of Duty.

“You can’t change the rules too much, you have to sort of live within the boundaries that you created for yourself,” he explains. “Other games can do that. They can do and go try out other new features and that’s totally cool because as a gamer I like to play a lot of games. So I’ll go out and play that open-ended open-world type game and I love it.” For COD, in the time being, Rubin says, “I think we sort of stay with what we have perfected – that sort of cinematic immersive experience. We are going to stick with that.”

SOURCE: PlayStation Magazine