Warzone 2 stats expert discovers wearing armor increases damage taken for “inconsistent TTKs”

Hamza Khalid
M4 in Warzone 2

Warzone 2 players have been frustrated about the game’s TTK feeling inconsistent, and stats expert Anthony ‘TrueGameData’ Zachman has revealed a strange issue that exemplifies this problem.

When Warzone 2 arrived in November of 2022, Call of Duty players were treated to a plethora of brand-new content, including the Escape from Tarkov-inspired DMZ mode and the Al Mazrah map.

However, the game has received criticism from the community for a few game-breaking issues, such as inconsistent damage. Now, Warzone 2 expert TrueGameData has revealed that players can actually take more damage when wearing armor.

In his video, he tested the M4 Assault Rifle‘s damage over range. TrueGameData’s testing revealed that the weapon deals 18 damage to enemies without plates and 20 to those with armor equipped.

The Warzone 2 stats expert explained: “It is just confirmation that there are some weird things happening, and this is gonna cause even more inconsistent TTK feelings than we already have.”

He also tested this with a few other weapons like the TAQ-56, Fennec 45, RPK, Vaznev-9k, STB 556, Kastov-762, and TAQ-V. Those guns dealt a normal amount of damage to armored enemies.

TrueGameData stated: “I don’t think this is a widespread thing right now. It’s probably just a few shot locations and just a few weapons.” Regardless, this still contributes to players feeling that the TTK is inconsistent.

Other popular content creators like JGOD and Dr Disrespect have also agreed that the TTK in Warzone 2 is a major problem. Sometimes players take several shots to bring down and other times they die instantly to melee attacks. It remains to be seen how the devs will fix this issue.

For more on Warzone 2, check out this strange glitch that sends players to the Gulag without dying and the devs confirming the return of 1v1 Gulag in Season 2.

Image credits: Activision