Frustrated players feel that quickscoping is “not balanced” in Black Ops Cold War

Black Ops Cold War’s lack of sniper flinch is frustrating players as they feel that if they come into contact with even a half-decent quickscoper then they can’t win in.
It was back in May 2021 that players were asking the devs to incorporate some flinch for Sniper Rifles. Quickscopers were able to pull off quickscoping with relative ease as even if they were being shot at, there would be no flinch effect at all, making it easy to keep aiming.
A minor change was added, but it didn’t seem to have the desired effect that players were hoping for. Now, an example has been shown of quickscoping still being quite broken as we close in on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 5.

In a Reddit post titled “This is not balanced, there is 0 counterplay whatsoever to quickscoping. You can’t have quickscoping with no flinch at high speeds in a 150HP COD,” user KingOfDunsparce showed why quickscoping is a problem.
In their video, they were already aiming at the player well before they could look down their scope. They manage to get away several shots with their PPSH-41 and visibly get a few hit markers on the opposing player.
But without warning, they were subjected to a quick one-hit-kill as they were dropped on the spot by the enemy player’s Swiss K31.
Upon closer inspection, the killcam showed that the quickscoping player aimed as normal the entire time and locked on without any trouble.
The top commenter on the article said: “Sad part is, you did everything right. Used an SMG for close quarters, threw a stun, aimed in first and got on target, started strafing, shot first, aaaand none of it mattered. He won that fight purely because of the gun and nothing else.”
Now, the stun grenade was miles away from the sniper, so that had no bearing on the encounter. But the rest was just a case of the player being unable to contend with an unimpeded, one-hit-kill shot.
Given that this is something that Cold War players have asked to be fixed for multiple seasons now, it now begs the question of if the game will ever receive the fix it needs.
Also, check out how to make Custom Blueprints in Black Ops Cold War.
Image Credit: Activision / Treyarch